5. Pool

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Ilaria de Luca

"There's a party a week or something away from now that Mattia and I are going too. I'll leave some money since I doubt you have any and you can order something to eat or whatever. We'll be back past midnight or in the late morning so don't wait up."

I frowned.

"How rude of you not to invite me," I cross my arms over my chest.

"That's 'cause you're not coming," he gets up.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

"Oh come on. Please?"

"I'm not letting you go to a college party where you don't know anyone. Especially since there'll be a bunch of horny, guys running around."

"You do realize that I'm older than you, right?" I scoff with a little smile.

"You do realize that I don't care, right?"

"But who says I'm not a horny guy?" I raise a brow at him. I could see the wheels in his head turning. "Sorry," I apologize, dropping my arms. "But I know you and your friend," I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not a babysitter and no. You don't know Mattia."

"Oh come on," I dramatically groan. "Plus what's there to know about him," I nod towards Mattia. "He's creepy with no human emotions, whatsoever."

"Ilaria, I'm not telling you where the party is or anything remotely close to it."

Yes you are.

"Please. This can be your way of apologizing to me for not telling me that a hot stranger lives with you," I shrug my shoulders.


I said that out loud.

I called him a 'hot stranger'.

"Did I say that out loud," my eyes grow wide. "I said that out loud didn't I?" Mattia slowly nods and I clear my throat. "No what I meant was, er... see before when I didn't know your name I referred to you as a hot stranger- but not because you're hot- well I mean you are hot but that's not-"

"Ilaria," Angelo sharply says.

"Sorry," I say to Mattia before turning to Angelo. "I'll take care of myself and if it makes you feel any better I'll leave before midnight. I promise."

"10pm," he sternly says.


"11pm," he says and I agree. "And bring that weird friend that way you won't be that alone."

"She's not weird..." I scratch the back of my head. "Fine. Thank you," I smile and his phone rings.

"I hope there's cute college guys," I softly whisper as I start petting Autumn.

"Don't make me regret this," he irritably says before leaving the room to answer his phone call.

Feeling pretty good about myself I smile but it immediately drops as I see Mattia looking at me.

Oh yeah, he's still here.

I get up but his voice stops me.

"I wasn't being serious."

"What?" I ask, turning around to face him and he stands up.

"Angelo had told me that he had this really cool older sister. He described her as a badass that even he was afraid of sometimes," Mattia confesses and I'm taken by surprise. "So I'm guessing that's you."

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