14. Horror

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Ilaria de Luca

"I met one of them at a party," Angelo starts off. "He was damn near passed out when the cops showed up. Early in the night him and I got along really well so leaving him there wouldn't be an option," Angelo confesses and all eyes shift to Mattia.

"Why you assuming it's me?" he asks – butt hurt – and all of us clear out throats, looking away in guilt.

"It was in fact me," Marcus confesses – pointing a finger at himself – and Mattia shakes his head at us.

"I brought him home so that he wouldn't get arrested but since he's way taller than me, it was a struggle. Mattia watched as I helped Marcus out of the house and ended up helping me."

"Aw," Imani pouts.

"Shut up," Mattia rolls his eyes.

"Marcus was drunk and Mattia had taken so much drugs that night that he had a fucking seizure on my sofa," Angelo confesses and all our eyes grow wide.

"I remember that," Mattia softly chuckles.

"Yeah, I puked all over you right after," Marcus laughs and they share a quick smile like it's a good memory.

"And let's just say from there we stuck together," Angelo says, shaking his head. "I should've kept on walking," he teases and Marcus scoffs.

"I would've kicked your ass the next day, had you left me," he says sounding almost hurt.

"Wow," the girls and I all say in unison.

"You have a serious problem..." Imani cautiously says to Mattia. "Shouldn't you like, get help or something?"

"I already tried once. Didn't go well. I'm not going back there," he admits and her expression softens.

"What do you mean it 'didn't go well'?" I curiously ask.

"I don't wanna talk about it," he shakes his head and I swallow hard, secretly feeling sorry for him.

I know how tortuous it gets in there. And I wasn't even really ill.

They went easy on me since my dad had a word or two with them, explaining the situation.

"What about you?" Marcus quickly changes the subject. "I heard you willingly booked yourself in."

He spares me a quick glance before focusing back on the video game.

"One of Angelo's many, many girlfriends," I dramatically say and Angelo's head snaps to me.

"You're lying. Why are you lying?" he asks and I smile.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "But yeah, she screwed him over and I just couldn't sit back and do nothing. After her parents heard what she had done they shipped her off to the hospital. I booked myself in and slowly but surely got my revenge. On behalf of Angelo, of course."

"But four years?" Naomi asks in confusion.

"It was supposed to be one, but she tried to escape, causing so much complications which added another year. But when I finally got out, I got some bad news and needed to head back."

"Damn," Marcus and Naomi says in unison.

"Y'all have some serious issues," Naomi slowly shakes her head.

"Says the alcoholic," I say and she playfully gasps.

"Says the mental hospital patient," Imani quickly says to me and we all join in laughter.

"Says the girl in love with me," Angelo playfully grins and she throws a pillow at him.

"I was going through a rough phase," Imani quickly yells back and our laughter grows louder. "I was!" she defensively says.

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