20. Friends

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Ilaria de Luca

I tighten my fingers around his cock, my chest rising and falling heavily.

Swallowing hard, I drop my eyes to his lips, the heat between my legs growing dangerously.

I want to feel his lips on mine.

His grip on my waist tightens and I can't help but smile.

"Am I being a good friend?" I tease, watching his eyes grow hungry as they linger on my lips. "It really feels like I am," I whisper.

"Yeah," he breathlessly says, bucking his hips and I can't help grin, looking away from him.

"Mind turning the song up?" I ask Marcus and he smiles.

"You like it?" he excitedly asks and I nod, looking back at Mattia.

"Fucking, love it," I say, pumping his cock faster and he lets out a shaky breath. "Do you like this song?" I ask and he nods. "Is that a yes, or..." I slow my hand down and he lifts his hips.

"Yes," he softly say and I smile.

"Now... get them out of here," I whisper and he immediately grabs his phone.

"Who's thirsty for Mattia's expensive alcohol!" Marcus yells, taking everyone by surprise.

Carter and Nadia eagerly agree. Before Parker can even think about objecting, Marcus grabs him by the ear and drags him out.

Marcus stops as he's about to close the door and wiggles his eyebrows at us.

"Should I play my sexy playlist?" he grins.

"Marcus get out," I smile.

"Yes ma'am," he whips around, shutting the door behind him.

As soon as the door closes I pull only my shorts down, getting onto his lap and straddling him.

I smash my lips to his, feeling him smile into the kiss.

Straddling his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck as I grind my pussy against his cock.

He grabs my ass, pulling me against his chest and I feel my nipples chafe against his chest. I softly whimper as his tongue slides into my mouth.

I take his bottom lip between my teeth before smashing my lips back to his. Slightly tilting my head to the side I deepen the kiss, rolling my hips back and forth as I dry hump his cock.

God, he's so big.

He lifts his hips, pulling his pants down and I kiss down his jaw, sucking on the skin in the crease of his neck.

He groans, his rings pressing into my skin as he squeezes my thighs in both hands.

Nibbling on his skin, I feel him lift his hips, his cock rubbing against my clit and all I can think about is feeling his cock slide in right between my legs, pleasuring me like I know he can.

I moan softly, biting into his neck and he grabs my hips to grind my pussy down harder, a throaty groan escaping his lips.

I rest my forehead against his shoulder as I roll my hips back and forth, feeling my pussy throbbing against his cock.

"Fuck," he groans, lifting me as he places me down on the sofa. He hovers over me, smashing his lips to mine.

I wrap my hand around his cock, stroking it as he kisses me with so much lust and hunger. My free hand travels over his muscular biceps and all the way up to his broad shoulders.

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