36. Casey Becker

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Ilaria de Luca

The elevator doors open to the lobby and I look out at the few people entering and exiting.

"But I met someone. Someone new," I say, looking down. "And I really, really like him. He managed to steal my heart, actually," I say, feeling tears sting behind my eyes as I look up at him.

He slightly frowns, tears glistening in his eyes.

"And I want to be with him," I say, feeling my younger self shatter into a million pieces.

The younger self that he helped. That he cared for and protected. The younger self that didn't loose her mind in that place because of him. The younger self that cried for weeks on end after loosing him.

The younger self that loved him.

"I wasn't planning on giving any guy anything from me. Not even a single conversation but he..." I slowly trail off, shaking my head. "You and I had something big. And it was amazing, really, but what Mattia and I have now feels stronger," I lightly shrug my shoulders. "And I'm sorry for making you wait, only to hurt you-" my words get caught in my throat and he steps back, shaking his head. "Jayson, I-"

"Ilaria, you can't be serious..." he softly says and the string in his voice grows thinner. "I know that it's been years, and I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice but you can't-" he cuts himself off, shaking his head. "Ilaria please."

I feel my bottom lip quiver as I stare into his eyes, seeing the man I loved not too long ago.

"I fell in love with him, Jayson," I shrug my shoulders, a single tear drop trickling down my cheek.

Jayson shakes his head, hurt written all over his face.

"How could you..." he breathlessly says and I drop my head, wiping my tears. When I don't look up at him, he speaks. "Know what... forget about it," he says, the coldness in his voice slipping through and cutting the string in his voice. "You moved on and I can't blame you," he says and I clutch my hands in front of me.

He looks away – nodding his head in acceptance – and clears his throat.

"I hope he makes you happier than I would have," he clenches his jaw and I can't get myself to look up at him.

"You're not even going to look at me?" he asks, hurt, as he steps towards me. He lifts my chin with his hand and I feel a sting in my chest.

"I want to kiss you," he says and I shake my head.

"You can't. Not anymore," I softly say and he leans in. "Please don't," I turn my head to the side and his lips hover over my skin.

He softly kisses my cheek and warmth spreads across my face.

He tries stepping back but can't. He and I both realize that my hand is clutching onto his shirt. He looks down and tries taking my hand in his but physically, I can't let go.

"I thought you're letting me go," he says, meeting my eyes and I nod.

"I am," I softly say, tightening my hold on his shirt.

He finally gets my hand off and gently kisses the back of it.

"I'll see you around," he reluctantly says. "Goodbye, Ilaria."

I watch as he turns and leaves.

Follow him, please Ilaria. We need him, he's everything. Please, please don't let him leave.

He helped us- he saved us!

Remember when you took all those pills? Who saved you that night!

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