13. Swimmers

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Ilaria de Luca

"Man, you're insane," I chuckle as Marcus bench presses me. "Okay stop I don't want you hurting yourself," I tease after seven.

He gently lowers me and I get up. He sits up, running his fingers through his hair.

"You're so cool," I breathlessly say and I could've sworn my eyes were glistening.

"I bet you couldn't bench press me," Naomi rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest. Angelo pulls her towards his chest with a grin.

"I thought you only cared about my stamina," he says and her cheeks flushed red.

Imani, Marcus and I all fake gag and Naomi hits his chest, completely flustered.

"Still not feeling the water?" I ask Ana as I walk over to the edge of the pool, next to her and Mattia. She pops her dimple with a little head shake. "The water's great," I try to convince her but nothing. "What about you princess?" I ask nodding my head towards Mattia.

He slowly trails his eyes up my legs until he meets my eyes.

"I thought old people liked the water?" I ask and he doesn't speak. I shrug my shoulders, walking backwards - away from the edge.


I moved my hands in the air, gesturing for everyone to make way.

"Back flip into cannonball," I smile and Marcus starts loudly cheering me on.

"Be careful, oh sweet Jesus," Ana breathlessly says.

"Let's go!" Imani encourages me.

Please don't break your neck Ilaria.

Water. That's all I saw.

One second I was lifted from the ground, then I was in midair and then the cool water engulfed me.

I opened my eyes to see the bubbles of my exhalation and Mattia appearing between them. He held onto the back of my thighs, pushing me up and above water.

A ringing stung my ears before the laughter and cheering of everyone around us was heard.

My ears popped and I gripped onto his shoulders as I looked down.

He looked up at me, his dark hair covering his eyes. Subconsciously I moved his hair back for him.

"That was so cool!" I excitedly exclaim, looking behind me. "Oh my God, did you see that?" I ask with wide eyes and Ana nods with her jaw on the ground. "How did you even lift me?" I ask looking down at him with a frown. "Oh! Imani did you get that on camera?" I ask and she groans.

"No, shit- I'm sorry. I was too busy recording Naomi's tits," she apologetically looks at me.

"Fuck," I softly curse. "But you're showing me that later," I point my finger at her and she rapidly nods with a laugh.

"We have to do that again," I excitedly pat his shoulders. "Or not..." I slowly trail off.

A little grin tugs at his lips and suddenly my chest feels tight as though I'm not breathing anymore.

"You can put me down now, by the way," I brush my hair behind my ear.

"You're the one still wrapped around me," he says and I look to see that he had moved us to the shallow end of the pool.

I mumbled a few curse words before stepping up onto the little steps.

Mattia walked over to the edge of the pool and rested his back against it. He dropped his head, shaking the water out of his hair.

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