22. Dancefloor

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Ilaria de Luca

"You can't tell me that you don't want it either," he grins, and I ignore him as my eyes scan the bar. "Oh, come on," he whines, kissing my neck. He gently bites my skin, and I can't help but laugh as it tickles.

"Oh, god- I'm not doing this with you, Mattia," I shake my head as I get out of his hold. "And you can't touch me. They're all here."

"I don't care if the fucking queen of England is here," he scoffs, grabbing me by my waist – my back still to his chest. "I'll kiss my girl whenever I want," he says before burying his face in my neck.

I smile, shrugging him off as the bartender comes towards me with my drink.

"Not your girl," I shake my head, thanking the bartender for my drink.

As I take a sip, I watch him – watch me – and he grows impatient. He takes the glass from me and puts it down before pulling me with him into an empty hallway.

"Hey!" I quickly say but follow him nonetheless.

He pushes me up against the wall, grabbing my face with both hands as he crashes his lips to mine. His tongue swipes across my bottom lip, and I slightly part my lips.

He slips his tongue into my mouth, and all the tension immediately leaves my body as I ease into the kiss.

He slowly breaks the kiss by pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. He grabs my ass, pulling my front to his, and I suck in a quick breath.

Thankfully the hall was completely empty.

"Do you feel what you do to me every fucking day?" he asks, and I feel my stomach twist and turn.

"You must have a lot of fun all by yourself," I smile and he lets out an amused huff. "How's your right hand holding up?" I tease and he grins, leaning down to kiss me again.

He runs his hand over my ass and to the back of my thigh. Sightly lifting my thigh he presses himself deeper between my legs, and I softly groan.

It's like his touch sparked a fire inside of me. Tingles lingered in my lower stomach, my body growing warm.

He lifted his hand to my chin as he held gently onto it.

He broke the kiss for a split second to smile at me. "Yeah, you're my girl," he grins before capturing my lips once again.

I slide my hands underneath his shirt just a little bit, pulling him closer by his waist.

God, I love his waist.

I can't help but smile, breaking the kiss.

"You're not really my type," I softly say against his lips, and he presses his front to mine.

My fingers dig into his waist as he holds onto my hips, grinding my pussy against the bulge in his pants.

He kisses the corner of my mouth and down my jaw, stopping at my ear.

"Bet I'll be your type when you let me fuck you later tonight," he whispers and my eyes flutter close as I subtly bite my bottom lip.

"So romantic," I playfully whisper, and he smiles against my skin.

Taking his face in both my hands, I bring his lips to mine as I'm unable to resist the feel of his lips on mine.

He gets a text but we ignore it until he gets a second text, a third, a fourth, a fifth...

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