8. High enough

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Ilaria de Luca

Noah and I danced until Imani grabbed ahold of my hand.

"I'm gonna steal her," was all she said before dragging me away in a hurry. As she pulled me along with her, my eyes landed on a tall, dark haired asshole.

He stood at the head of a table with a few other people.

There was a guy - a brunette - who started emptying out a clear packet with white powder onto the table. He used a card to separate the powder into little lines and when he finished he tapped Mattia's arm.

My eyes locked with Mattia for a split second until he looked down at the table, sniffing up the little line.

My lips slightly parted as I watched him use the back of his hand to wipe off the excess powder on his nose.

"Lucas just asked me to have sex with him," Imani blurts out, stealing attention.

It takes me a second to register what she's saying after seeing Mattia do... that.

"Lucas as in-" I pause pushing my tits up and she nods.

"Yes. I pretended that you called and needed me so that I could get some air."

I looked at her dumbfounded.

"You're not a virgin, you're single, and you only came with to have some fun with a guy so why are you freaking out?" I ask and she throws her hands up.

"Because..." she trails off.

I sighed, saying, "Because you're afraid that it'll mean nothing to him, even though it would also mean nothing to you but you don't want it to mean nothing to him."

"Exactly!" she yells out.

"Can't believe you interrupted my dance with a hot stranger for this."

"Oh yeah, speaking of..." she grins, wiggling her shoulders. "Someone has a new admirer."

"And so does she," I point over Imani's shoulder. She turns and sees Noah heading upstairs with another girl. "Thanks, by the way," I sarcastically say to Imani.

"Um, you're welcome," she crosses her arms over her chest. "Now you know he's not loyal and hops from one to the other."

"Whatever," I roll my eyes. "Now go get freaky," I push her shoulders and she couldn't even contain her excitement.

"I'll try not to enjoy it to much," she winked at me.

I don't know why she even came to me. She knew she wanted to have sex with him.

I turned to face everyone else and saw that Mattia was gone.

Well hopefully he did not see my dance partner ditch me.

I saw Angelo against the wall opposite me, making out with a girl. She broke the kiss, laughing and I realized that, that was her.

The girl he's been seeing.

I walked over and shook my head.

"So this is little miss sunshine, huh?" I tease, quoting Mattia's words when he made fun of Angelo two days ago.

"Naomi, this is Ilaria. My sister," he introduces us.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she smiles, popping a dimple. She had soft, green eyes whereas her hair was the darkest black."How come I've never seen you before?"

"I've been out of the country," I bend the truth a little.

"Right..." she slowly nods, smiling.

Her and I spoke, getting along really well.

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