Y/N (chapter 1)

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Before you start to read the book I just want to say I got at that time a lot of spelling problems and I am too lazy to correct them all .
Now enjoy this shit of a book I made :D

You just move to your best frind home after your parents say that your to old to still live whit them.Your best friend (Let's call them Y.F for now on)

apartment was really small but it was all you have

,,Y/N?" Y.F ask you

,,Yes what is it ?"

,,How much are you gonna stay here?I don't want to be rude but .I can't let you stay here like forever "

,,I don't know , After i get a job or found a new home ,why are you asking ?"

,,Well ,Y/N look I want to marry my boyfrind and start a family and i don't want you to live whit us after that "

,,Oh , then i must found a job" you went to the living room and start looking on your phone for a job.You scrole on your phone for two hours until you saw something it say,, Circus Baby Pizza World" They need a night gourd it pay 200$ per week .So you call them


,,LOOK THE NEWS PAPER IS LYING THEY HATE US "A men scream like he was runing from the police

,,Uh- I don't call for that. I was wondering if i can get the night gourd post "

,,Well that change a lot..And sure you can and I am William Afton your new boss i need you to be at the pizzeria the next day .If aren't any problems"

,,No problems, at what hour?

,,Is ok at 6:00 am ? "

,,Perfect .See you there William "

,,Godbye young lady"

You end the call .Well that was intresting .You look at the door and saw Y.F bf

,,Why are you here?" He ask

,,So dume people can ask .I DON'T HAVE A HOME YO-"

,,Stop acting like a kid Y.F want to know if your hungry "

,,No i am not , now bye "

,,You son of a bic-"he say as he get out

You got your blanket and start dreaming

Wen you look at your phone you saw that was 5 am you got up and go change your cloths .Got in the car and start driving to the pizzeria .When you arive it was 5:49 .You saw a men at the door must be William

,,Goodmorning... uh You still haven't told me your name"
,,Y,/N" you say

,,Ok Y/N let me introduce you to the animatronics "

To what-? You say in your mind

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