At Ron house (chapter 24)

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You and the other knock at the door .And Ron open the door and let you guys in

,,You can change in the bathrum upsters "Ron say ,,I will be in the backyard " (to be clear Ron is rich and the house is prety big ,that's why he will give you mony at any time )

You all change and went to the backyard

,,Y/N you look beautiful "Ron say

,,Thank you "You say as you blush

,,So guys go have fun "Ron say as he gigle you didn't know why

Until some one pick you up and throw you in the pool .As you got up from the pool all wet

,,Who did this ?"

Freddy and Ron burst out laughing

,,You two are gonna to pay for this !"

,,How shorti?" Ron laught at you

You took his and and run as fast as you can in to the pool .At least Ron pay it

,,Y/N GET BACK HERE" Ron yell at you

You ran to Foxy and Ron run after you .And Foxy pick you up

,,Sorry but I need to take my revenge on your gf "

,,No "

,,HA" You say as you think Foxy will stop Ron

,,I will do it" Foxy say whit a grin on his face

She trow you in the pool but you didn't let go of him so he got wet to.

,,You win this time "Foxy say

,,Thanks "

,,Aw look at you "

You and Foxy look at the one that say that and it was Baby

,,When you get in the pull Baby?"

,,Right now whit Ballora "

,,Are you having fun ?"

,,Well I do "Foxy say

,,Yes .Now you two look at me " Baby say

,,Why?" you ask

,,Get out of the pool "Baby say

You two did as she say

,,Now make out"

,,I don't see no problem "Foxy say as he put his hand on your waist and pull you closer to him then he kiss you

,,I need to take a pic "You asume it was Ron

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