Chrismas (chapter39)

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You buy everyone a gift. You got Baby  phone for Ballora you got a new tiara. For Fun time freddy you got some books becose he is really quaiet for Bon Bon you got some new bouwties .For Eli you got her a cat plush and for Foxy you got a ring and one for you .So wen the two rings were together they form a heart
You also got some decorations

,,Y/N you are back !"Elizabet say as she run to hug you

,,Y/N what is that?"Baby ask

,,I just got some decorations.So we can decorate the apartament "

,,Sounds fun!"Freddy say as he help you whit the bags

,,Thanks Fred"

,,No problem beutiful "

,,What was the last part I didn't hear "You say as you trun around to see Freddy

,,Nothing "

,,So we are gonna decorate the living room and our rooms "

Baby look over what you got and found the 3 little chrismas trees

,,Why are 3 of them?"

,,On in the living room one in my room and one in your room"


,,So you guys celebrate chrismas before ?"

,,No  but the kids were talking only about chrismas "Foxy say

,,I did that before I die .I guess Santa forget about me after that...." Elizabet say as he look down

,,Oh Eli don't think of that. Here can you put this in our room?"You say  as you  point to the little tree

,,Yes!I love to help " She say as she got the little tree and went to the room

,,Y/N Santa isn't real why you told Eli that?"Baby ask

,,She is just I kid I can't tell her that .You didn't see how sad she was ?"

,,Yea Baby "Foxy say

(After you decorate everything)

,,It looks great "Freddy say

,,Of course it does we work together to make this "

,,Y/N ?"

,,Yes Eli?"

,,What if Sant forget about me agian ?"

,,Santa won't forget about you this year .You trust me ?"

,,Yea !"

,,Now go sleep .Me and Foxy will come after that "

She run to hug your leg becose she is to short and went to bed and close the door

,,Guys can you help me get the gifts from my car ?"

,,I will help !"Baby say as she run to the door

,,Thanks "

You and Baby got the gifts from the car and put them under the tree in the  living room

,,Y/N thanks agian for helping us and let us see how you humans live "Ballora say as she hug you .You hug her back

,,Is nothing guys. Now let's get to sleep I want to see Elizabeth face in the morning

(8 am)

You and Foxy just wake up to see Elizabeth  looking at the little tree

,,Is something wrong Eli?"Foxy ask

,,Sant forget about me agian "She look at you whit big eyes

,,Maybe he didn't forget .Go look at the tree in the living room"

She smile at you and run  to the living room. You and Foxy Fallow her

,,Guys! Santa come this year .He didn't forget about me!"Elizabet say as he went to the tree

Baby and Ballora just wake up and Freddy was allready awake

,,Y/N can I open my gift ?"

,,Go on .Here is your's "You give her the gift as she just look at the box and open it

,,So what do you think?"Freddy ask

,,You like it ?"You ask her

,,I don't like it .I love it!"Elizabet say as she run around the living room whit the cat plush

,,Guys what are you waiting for?The rest are for you "You say as you look at the rest

,,Really ?"Baby ask  as she went over the tree ,,This is mine?"

,,Yea open it up "You say looking at her

The rest just sit around the tree and you sit on the sofa

,,A phone?"

,,Y/N can I go back to sleep ?"

,,Sure "

Elizabeth walk back to your room

,,Why a phone ?"

,,You took my phone for pictures. So  I was thinking you may like it your own phone "

She walk over to you and hug you

,,Can we take a pic ?"

,,Whit me ?"

,,Yea come on "

She took 4 photos. Before  Ballora open up her gift

,,Y/N dear you didn't need to .Can you help me put it on?"

,,Sure come on "

,,You got me something too?!"Bon Bon say looking at you

,,Of course"

Freddy allready open up his and he stat to read

,,The last  one is  for  Foxy "

He open his and put on the ring

,,You like it?"You say walking over to Foxy

,,Yea I like it .But were is the other half of the heart ?"

,,At me look "You show him your ring and hug him

,,Thanks darling "He say huging you back 

,,So you guys like what I give to you?"

They noded

,,Y/N !"Elizabet was at the door crying and she run to you and  hug you

,,Elizabet what is wrong ?"You say trying to calm her down

,,I had  a nightmear were  .You got back to the pizzeria  and dady was there and he was the same but look difrent and then he try to  kill you "

You and the others look at her

,,Elizabet look I am still here whit you see? It was just a nightmear.You poor thing want a glass of wather?"

,,Yes  please "She say looking up at you

You got her the glass of wather and .She got back to sleep on the sofa



,,Was Elizabet having nightmears before that ?"

,,Yea but wen she does they  become true. Like she told us one time that she will be free look now she is "

,,What if I don't go back to the pizzeria?"

,,That may be an option"She say  as she took some selfis

(^And that's how  my frinds Baby made her own only fans )

,,But how can William kill me if I am all ready dead?"

,,I don't know but let's not get the risk"Ballora say

,,You know Y/N maybe we aren't even real maybe we are just part of a story you think of that .We don't know and we think this is our live but is not our"Freedy say looking in the darck


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