New place part 2 (chapter 15)

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,,Are we there yet?"This time it was freddy

,,Yes .Oh and there is Y.F ex " You say
,,You guys stay in the car while he give me the key "


,,What is it fox?"

,,Can i come ?"

,,Why- .Sure come "You say

You walk over to Y.F ex(Let's call him Ron)

,,Hello Y/N"

,,Hi Ron"

,,Who is he "He say as he point to foxy

,,My boyfrind "

,,Oh hey nice to meet ya "Ron say as he shake Foxy's hand

,,Hello "Foxy shake Ron's hand whit a disgust look on his face

,,Here is the key .See ya Y/N"

,,Bye "You look at foxy ,,Is something wrong?"

,,That guy I don't trust him "

,,Come on let's get my things and the others "

Wen you walk to the car you see that Freddy, Ballora and Baby were out of the car and Baby and Freddy were screaming at each other

,,What happen? It's been only 5 minutes "

,,Sorry Y/N I try my best to pull them apart "Ballora say

,,You to stop fighting. NOW!" Foxy scream as Baby and Freddy jump and look at him,,Now let's help Y/N get her thinks and our's in the apartment"

*They did as he say*

,,Ballora sometimes you need to scream at them"foxy say

,,I just can't" she say as she got a bag from the back of the car

,,Foxy you should get something to "Bon Bon say

,,Ok " he say as he pick you up
,,Here i have in my hands something fragil and beutiful "before you can talk back he cut you by kissing you

,,Ok " he say as he pick you up,,Here i have in my hands something fragil and beutiful "before you can talk back he cut you by kissing you

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,,Foxy wen you meet her you were to shy to hug her wen nobady was around .And now you will kiss her in public " Freddy say

He broke the kiss and say

,,If you have a girlfrind you won't do the same ?"

Freddy look at foxy for a little bit the went red


,,What is happening?"You ask as you look at Bon Bon

,,They can hear what eachother is thinking " Ballora say

,,Y/N ,Foxy look at me "You and Foxy look at Baby as she say ,,Ok .Now kiss"

,,No,now let's get to the apartment.And here love "Foxy say as he put you down

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