lisen to her voice (chapet 37)

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,,So darling for what are you looking ?"

,,Not sure now .But wen I found it I will know!"

,,So you did the same in your love live ?"

,,What do you mean?"

,,Well you are dateing an animatronic "

,,So..?Is something wrong whit it?"

,,No .Is nothing wrong "He say as he walk over to you and hug you from your back

You to stay in silence for sometime .


You two trun around to see Elizabeth

,,Elizabeth .You can't walk around like that what is someone find you?"You say looking at her

,,Y/N I can control who can see me and who can't you can do that too"

,,Really?But why are you here ?"

,,So that I can let you know too I allready told the others so lisen close. He is waching in the darck the one that you think is dead keep your love ones whit you or you're dead .Be careful for the eyes in the darck "

,,What is this all about Eli?"Foxy say

,,I can't tell you .You all need to found out by yourself "

,,Thanks Eli. Now you can go back "Foxy say

,,I want to stay .But why are you two dres like that ?"

,,Is just a date "Foxy say

,,Can I stay ? "

,,I don't think Y/N will like it "

,,I don't see a problem.Now come here"you say as you grab Elizabeth hand

,,Yay " She say looking at you two

,,Really sugar?"

,,Yea. She is too cute how can you say no?"

,,I think your right this time "

,,Foxy ?"

,,Yea Eli?"

,,Can you pick me up?"


,,Elizabet can you let the others see you .But it's wird to talk to the air you know?"


,,So Eli. Why you can't leave you say if got William's diary you will be free "

,,I am free but I love this world so sometimes I just go back to my home or I talk whit you guys "

,,Your home?"

,,Yes. But every time I go back there only dady is at home my btrothres aren't there and mom left us long ago"

You look over at Elizabet her eyes turn red and tears roll down her check

,,You poor thing "Foxy say as he try to calm her down

,,Is ok Elizabeth that is in the past."You say as you hug her

,,Thank you "She say

,,Ron why can we be like that?!"

You trun around just to see Y.F,Ron and they're daughter

,,Sorry Y/N for this "Ron say not looking at you

,,Soo Y/N .Really? Are you that jelos on me and now you have a kid and a boyfrind?"

,,I am not jelos .But why are you here ?"

,,Well my swett Ron want some book and I didn't want to stay whit the kid becose she is anoyng "

,,Not as much as you are "Foxy say

,,Ofc your boyfrind is blaind right ?Look at the kid it dosan't even look like one of you"

,,Let's get back to the apartament "You say as you got Foxy's hand

,,Leaving that soon rat?"Y.F laught

,,Have a good day you spoiled brat "Foxy say as he walk past her

*In the car*

,,How dare she ?" you say as you put Elizabet in the back seat

,,Don't ask me sugar "Foxy say

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