Foxy's filings (chaper 11)

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,,You sure guys want to go library?"

,,Well i want and i am sure foxy want to "Freddy say

,,What can you find at a library?"Baby ask

,,Well all types of books from fiction to dance "

,,Books for dance .Well i want to go too Dear "Ballora say

,,Is there funny books?"

,,Yes "

,,Then I come too!" Baby say


,,Yes bon ?"

,,If i go can i stay whit you or ballora and baby ? I don't want to know what types of books freddy want's "

,,You can stay whit me and baby "Ballora say

,,Then let's get there "

*After you and the athors change and got at the library *

,,Were do we find what we want ?"

,,Go to the librarian and ask or you look around and see what eles you like " you say

They chose the second option and go explorer the library. Exept Foxy he wanted to go whit you

,,So what are you looking for ?"

,,I don't know yet i just look around and see what I like .You ?"

,,I just want to stay whit you ."

,,Why ?"

,,From all of us your the lest anoyng one and the most beutiful one " he say as he blush

,,I think of you like that too well the last part "

,,What really?"

,,No i like to lie to cute boys .I say the true "

,,And i like you if we get all the cards out "

,,I know "


,,Foxy i have ears and eyes every one can see that sorry but is ture "

,,your right i want to-"

,,Before you can say something let's make this .You want to be my boyfrind ?"

You don't get a respons .After 2 minutes he kiss you

,,Heh look at the two lovebirds "

You and Foxy brocke from the kiss and look at the one who say that it was Bon Bon who stay in front of Baby, Ballora and Freddy

,,Don't mind us continu "Baby say

,,So uhh- you get the books you all want it?"you try to change the subject

,,Yes we did" they say

,,And i got a new love story "Bon Bon say

,,Really you like that stuf?"

,,Yea . I like that and wen you and Foxy make out like you did "

,,That was only a kiss not like we f#$k"

,,Can we get back to the hotel room ?" Freddy say

,,Sure .Come love "

Foxy look at you all red

,,She talk whit you foxy "Baby say as she and the athors walk past you

,,she call me love .Whait for me!"

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