Nightmear(chaper 32)

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You hear a scream wen you look around you .You were in a black room in the darck you can see a shadow

,,Y/N your awake "The voice was familiar

,,Who are you ?Why you got me here?"

,,Calm down beutiful "

The shadow step in the light and it was William ,he was cover in blood

,,See this blood darling?"He point at his chlose .At how it call you it was desgusting

,,Yeah and what about it?"

,,It's from your little frinds "He say as he got back in the shadow

,,Your joking right?"You say as you got scare

Wen he return in the light he try to drag something or better saying someone .It was Baby you look at her as a tear roll down your face

,,WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHIT HER?"You scream at him

,,I did this becose they just want you to let them free .As I kill Baby I kill the others "

You look at him in scock

,,They want to kill you .And is your asking I kill your boyfrind too "You wach as he got another dead body from the shadows

You look at it .It was Foxy's body ,you start to tear up .It feels so real to you.You hear someone call you as your eyes shut open

,,Darling your awake "It was Foxy he was on top of you

,,And you'r alive "You say as you hug him

,,Yes I am alive .What happen ? You just start to shacke and cry. Is something wrong?"

,,No just a nightmear"

,,What it was all about ?"

,,William was there and he show me Baby's dead body then you'r and told me that you all use me just to be free "

He start to pat you on the back and kiss your hands

,,Every thing is ok darling .He is dead now.Me and the rest are all alive and we won't use you .Try to calm down ok?"He say as he pull away from the hug as he can saw you

,,Sure. But what time is it?"

,,2 am "

*Foxy's Pov *

You look at the door as Y/N was makeing herself a tea to calm down
,,My poor baby. Y/N is allready strest out whit me and the others .What is she will forget one day about us ?What if she want to brake up?" That's all what was in your mind

The door open as Y/N enter the room

,,I make a cup of tea for you too .Here" She say as she give you the cup

,,Thanks darling" You look down at the tea and think more of Y/N trying to get you out of her live

,,Love are you ok?"She ask .You turn to look at her

,,Yea everything is ok " You lie

,,You sure you can tell me if everything is wrong"

,,You love me?"God dame it now she thinks I am crazy you say to yourself

,,Yeah. Why I won't love you?"

,,Nothing .Now try to get back to sleep"

You place the cup of the tea on the nightstand .And turn off the light .As you got in bed you look at Y/N

,,I wish you love me as much as I love you "You say to yourself as Y/N was allready asleep

You got right next to Y/N and start cuddling whit her

,,Your so beutiful both wen your asleep and wen your awake" You start to say to Y/N sweet thing all night until you fall asleep

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