joke(chapter 27)

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,,I want to pull o joke on them ok ?I will say that you die and wen you want you can come out "

,,But I am allready dead how does that work ?"

,,They will belive me "

,,How ?"

,,Darling I will thing of the moment wen I saw you the first night at the hospital " Foxy start to tear up and went to the apartament and you fallow him until at the living room door

,,Hey guy I am back .I got bad news " Foxy say

,,What is it? Is Y/N ok ?" You asume it was Ballora

The room was left in silence

,,Don't say that Foxy don't say that " you think it was Baby

,,Foxy tell us " Bon Bon for sure

,,She die this morning "Foxy say

,,What- Foxy good joke please tell me it's a joke " Freddy for sure

You hear crying and screams and you start to cry too

,,Who is that ?" it was Baby whit anger in her voice

You came out of the corner and all of them were in shock exept Foxy who walk to you and wipe your tears

,,Foxy how can you do that?"Ballora ask

,,Hey all of you shut up be happy that my world right here is still whit us "Foxy say as he hug you

,,Y/N your ok ?"Freddy ask

,,Yea Fred I am good "

,,We miss you dear Foxy cry all night "

,,Shut up dance pants "Foxy say

,,Really Foxy? " You say looking up at him

,,Yes "He say as he went red

,,That's so sweet " you kiss him on the forehead

,,So Y/N are we going back to the pizzeria?"

,,The next morning I will call William this night "

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