Cookies(chaper 33)

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You read a book on the bed as Foxy took a shower.

,,Can I come in?"

,,Do you want to kill me?"You say in joke


,,Then you can come "

It was Baby she was gigleing from the joke

,,Y/N can we make something sweet?"

,,Sure .What are you thinking of?"

,,How about cookies?"

,,I don't see a problem "

,,Can Foxy help us too?I really want to see how good is he in the kitchen "

,,I don't think Foxy is in to this stuff "

,,What stuff  I am not in to  darling?"It was Foxy at the door

,,Want to  make some cookies whit me and Y/N?"

,,Sure  .Freddy and Ballora will help?"

,,No .Freddy is still sleeping and Ballora say that she plan something for me and Y/N"

,,What is her plan ?"You ask Baby

,,I don't know. Now let's make some cookies "She say as she got you by your hand and drag you off the bed .You fall on the flore and hit your hand

,,Sorry Y/N"

,,No problem .But how are you this strong ?!" You look up just to see how Foxy wisper something to Baby ,,Are we going to make the cookies ?"

Then the two  look at you

,,Oh yea  let's go darling"Foxy say  as he open the door for you

*In the kitchen *

,,Baby can you get the flowers from the  drawer "

,,Sure Y/N " She say as she gigle

,,What's so funny Baby?"

,,FLOWER RAIN"She scream as and trow some flowers at you

Foxy pop out laughing ,you and  Baby look at each other and laught whit him

,,Here bunny"Foxy say as he got some flowers off your head

,,Bunny?You never call her bunny"Baby smirck at Foxy

,,I want to try something new .Y/N is like a bunny and well I am a foxy I fallow her all long just to catch get "He say as he pull you in a hug

,,You know foxes eat rabbits?"Baby say

,,Well a like to take a bite if her  neck"

He kiss your neck then he stat to pick the rest of the flowers that were on your head

,,Hello  you to love birds can you help me put this in the oven?"

,,Sure let me help you "

You got the tray and put it in the oven

,,How much is gonna take ?"Baby ask

,,I just put them .We can chose what we want to put on them "

,,Y/N can you look at  me?"

,,What is it Bab-"

She got a hand of  flour and threw  it at you

,,O you want to play this game ?"You say as you got a glass of water and threw it at her

You and her look at Foxy as he laught at you two

,,You know Baby I think Foxy  want to feel like us "

,,I think of that too "

He look at you two

,,Darling you know I won't do that to you right?"He say  as he step back from you and Baby

,,Y/N don't lisen to him "

You  got a bag of sugar .In one second Foxy was cover in sugar .Now it was your and Baby's turn to laught

,,I just took a shower. Why sugar tho?"

,,I don't know "Baby say as she can barly breathe from laughing

You went over to Foxy and hug him

,,Is something sugar?"He gigle

,,Your not the only one that want atention "You say

,,Y/N the cookies are done !!"

,,Baby don't touche the oven!Let it cool for a minute "

,,Aww"She look at you

,,No is no Baby"Foxy say

,,Since wen you and Y/N are now acting like parents ?"

,,Well your like a kid "

,,That  is not like you two need to be like that whit me .Make a kid and done"Baby say then look at Foxy who was red and look at you .Then Baby realise what she say ,,You know what I am happy to be like your kid "

,,You good fox?"You look up at him


,,Y/N let him calm down he isn't like that most of time but wen he is .Is gonna take some time now let's get the cookies out"



,,They taste so good "Baby say after taking a bite of the cookie

,,Are you gonna finish your cookie ?" you ask Foxy

,,If you want it you can take it sugar "He say as give you the cookie

,,I will go give  Freddy and Ballora some cookies"you say

,,I will do it "Baby say as got two plates and put cookies on them  ,,You two stay here and talk"

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