Who is Elizabeth?(chapter 20 )

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You saw Baby crying her eyes out and Ballora trying to confort her

,,Ballora what happen to Baby?" You ask

,,Elizabeth give her a nightmear agian "

,,Who is Elizabeth ?"you ask

,,No one i just had a nightmear "Baby say while trying to breathe

,,Is ok Baby calm down .Want a glass of water ?"you ask

,,No thank "

,,Dear let me calm down Baby .Go sleep "Ballora say

,,You sure you don't want any help?"

,,Sure now go on"

You hug Baby before leaving

,,Bye"you say as you close the door and went to your room

,,Bon Bon, Freddy is calling you "

,,Ok bye Foxy "

The pupet say as he was hopping out the room

,,What take you that long?" Foxy say

,,Baby had a nightmear " you say as you got on the bed whit Foxy


,,She had nightmears before ?"

,,Yea a lot "

,,In her nightmear was a girl Elizabeth?"

,,Love. Were did you hear of Elizabeth ?"

,,Ballora told me that Elizabeth give Baby a nightmear .But who is she ?"

,,Let's just forget about Elizabeth "

,,No. Foxy tell me who is Elizabeth "

,,She is just William's daughter and that's all I know "

,,You sure absolutly sure "You say as you stay in Foxy's personal space as your and Foxy's face were stuck

,,Absolutly sure .And I like were this is going "Foxy smirk and pull you closer by your waist ,,So are we gonna kiss or just stare at each other ?"

Foxy kiss you as you can barly breathe .He bite you 2 times but you just ignorit .You broke the kiss so you and Foxy can breathe

,,Want me to stop darling ?"

,,No .I am good "

,,Love,your bleding "

He wipe your lower lip whit a finger and wen he pull away his finger it was all cover in blood

,,Sorry I think i went a litle bit to far "

,,No problem Fox " you say as you ran your fingers in his hair

,,It was but .Now go get a napkin and clean that blond on your lips "

,,Wow from romantic to your normal self "You gigle and went to get a napkin from your bag

,,So do you have any mony left ?"

,,Yea 98$ left but i can ask Ron for 10$ or more if he is ok whit it "

,,I still don't like that guy"

,,Why ? Well at lest now he is nice "

,,You should change it 9 pm "

,,You too.Go first I will go see if Baby is better "

,,Ok " he say as he got his clothes and kiss your check before he left

You went to Ballora's and Baby's room and cnock at the door

,,Enter" you think that was Ballora

,,Hello. Is Baby ok now ?"

,,Yes she got back to sleep "

,,Ok that's why I am here "

,,Aww Y/N you care about us to much Dear get some time for you"

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