Hotel roome (chapter 7)

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,,Y/N do you have the mony for the hotel room ?" Baby ask

,,I have just 130$ but i can ask a frind for some help "

,,Ok "

You think that you never call his number but you need it

,,Yes?" It was Y.F ex bf

,,Hey can you please give me some mony ?"

,,Why do you need the mony?"

,,For a hotel room for me and my frinds "

,,Uhh- How much ?"

,,Wait you really give me mony ?"

,,Sure ,well at lest you need them were are you i will give you 250 $ .Is it enought?"

,,Is perfect .I am at Circus Baby Pizza World "

,,I will be there in 10 minutes. See ya "

,,See ya"

Baby look at you and say

,,So you got the mony ?"

,,Yes he will be there in 10 minutes "

*After Y.F ex bf arrived *

,,Here you go Y/N"

,,Thanks .But why do you give me the mony .You hate me remember ?"

,,Well after I brake up whit Y.F .I just see how much she use you in the past. I got to go bye shorty "


You don't get an answer becose he was alredy in the car

,,Dear is that enought for a hotel room ?"Ballora ask

,,Is more then enought. Whit all the mony i can buy u guys some pajamas .And some food for all of us "

,,Food ? We can't eat food "Freddy say

,,You dumeass now that we have human bodys we can do what they do .Right Y/N?" Foxy say

,,Yep but the human bodys are fragil just like glass .You guys get it ?"

,,Yes" they say

,,So be carefule.Now get in to the car "

,,Dear can I stay in the frontsit?"

,,Sure Ballora "

(On your way to the hotel room )

,,How much is gonna take for us to get there ?"

,,Baby let Y/N drive .We don't want to lose our bodys alredy "Ballora say

,,Ballora is no problem and baby we are here "


,,Baby have a child brain "Bon Bon say

,,Shut up you pupet "

,,Stop the faight now l
Let's get a rome"you say

,,Ok we have the 13 romme.Help me get my things in the romme "

,,Sure Y/-"

Freddy was intrerupted by Foxy

,,Me and Y/N can do that there aren't many things "

,,But foxy why do you want just you and Y/N to- OOO I GOT IT YOU LIKE-"

,,Baby shh let Y/N and Foxy to get her things "Ballora say

,,Ok .You guys can get confortable here is the key "

,,Thank you Dear " Ballora say as she smile at you

,,Come on fox .You can take my suitcase"

,,Why do you all call me fox ? Oh ok"

,,You don't like it ? Is like a nikename "

,,Y/N can I ask you something ?"

,,You allready did but let me hear "

,,Do you have a boyfrend?"

You drop the bag that you carry

,,Why do you ask?"

,,I am just curiuos"he say as a blush apear on his face

,,No i don't. Can you open the door for me?"

,,Sure "

You look in to the romme you saw Ballora and baby on the bed takling and fredy and bon bon did as well

,,Oh only two beds? We can work whit that "

,,Y/N i got an idea "

,,Let me hear it bon bon "

,,Baby and Ballora can sleep on one bed you and Foxy on one and me and freddy will slepp on the sofa "

,,Pupet if you won't shut your mouth i will " Foxy say

,,I don't see something wrong whit it .Guys if your too tired we can buy food and chlose the next day"

They noded

,,Come on foxy "you say as you pulle the blankets

,,in what you get me in Bon Bon " Foxy say

,,Shut up .You will thank me at your weding "


,,Shut up and go to Y/N"

Foxy got whit you in bed

,,Look at them" a voice say

,,Shut up pupet .If you wake her up i will kill you "

,,Foxy .Shut up to you are gonna to wake her"

,,Don't roll your eyes at me "

You open your eyes and you found your self cuddling whit foxy

,,Morning foxy "You say

,,Morning Y/N.Whai Y/N! I am sorry "
,,Sorry for what ?"

,,For this " he say as he pull back from you

,,Can you please Shut up you will wake up baby "

You look back and it was Ballora

,,She isn't a morning person ?"

,,No .Now dear calm down you don't want to see her wen she is angry "

,,Got it .Now foxy get your ass here now"

Foxy did as you say

You hug him

,,Wen baby will wake up I will let you go "

,,I TOLD YOU"Bon Bon scream
Foxy blush

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