Police(chapter 31)

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*The movie end *

,,From all movie this was my favorite"Baby say

,,It was really nice "Ballora say

,,Wen you two were looking at the screen .I see how these two make out "Bon Bon say as he point at you and Foxy

,,It was romantic "Freddy say smiling at Foxy

,,It wasan't that bad"Foxy say

,,The movie or makeing out whit      

,,The movie .And if you want to know kissing Y/N was ok my dear frind Freddy"

,,It was just ok?"You say

,,Yea  just ok?You went for her like an animal  you can see the bite marks you left"Bon Bon say

,,Why  wen it's something like that me and Ballora were the last one to find out ?"Baby say

,,I don't know want to wach another movie ?"You ask

But the others were cut the someone knocking at the front door .You went to the door as Foxy fallow you

,,You really want to be around me 24/7?"

,,Yes"Foxy say

You open the door just to see some cops

,,Hello is something I can help you whit?"

,,Yes .Some one call us and told us a persone is  mising I think you may know him"The police man say as he look at you

,,I don't know anything about a mising persone .Who is  it?"

,,A guy  name  William Afton your boss"

,,Oh  God. But I don't know anything about him "

,,Ok the next week I want you  and the others employs to be at the pizzeria. And sorry for asking but ms are you ok?"He say  as he point to the marks on your neck that Foxy left

,,Oh yes it's just-"

,,My art "Foxy cut you of

,,Miss is this man living whit you?"

,,Yea why?"

,,He need to come too so that he can tell were you been when Mr.Afton got missing. Have a good night "

You close the door and look at Foxy

,,Sure now what are we gonna to tell him if he ask were I was last night?"

,,We will found something ."Foxy say

,,We better be "You look at your phone it was 11pm ,,We should go to sleep  I will tell the others "

,,Ok I will wait in our bedroom darling"He say as he wink at  you


,,Y/N can you stay here for a litle bit?"Freddy ask

,,Sure Fred why?"

,,Before we arive at Ron's  house remember what Bon Bon told you ?"Freddy say as he blush

,,Yea....It was for real ?"You ask

,,Yea. But you are in a relationship whit Foxy and I don't want to destroiet now you can  go "He become red as a tomato

,,Fred you are not gonna destroi anything. We will talk in the moring.Night"

,,Night"He say


,,You are  back come here "Foxy say whit his arms open on the bed waiting for you

You gigle and went over to him

,,Why do you want atention 24/7 love?"

,,Well the kids were the only ones that were intrested in my show .But then our shows start to lose customers and then we didn't come up in the pizzeria we stay underground the only persone that was there sometimes was  William or a night gouard. So it wasan't normal for me to just stop whit my shows and that's all"

,,Poor things"you  say as you kiss him on the forehead

,,Thanks darling .I really love wen I get some alone time whit you "

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