!☆(chaper 45)☆!

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Wen you were at the door of the apartament you puch your self so that some tears can be see .You unloke the door and the next words just pop out your mouth

,,Some one please help me !" You let out a quiet scream

Before you can blink two doors open the door from the girls room and the door from your room .

,,Y/N! What happen who did this?!"You turn around it was Foxy

,,My poor kid! Who is the devil whit no heart who did this !" Ballora wasn't anymore her self .Her calm ton was let at the door and on her face you can read that she was angry

,,Freddy go get the medical kit. Now!" Baby scream at Freddy then walk over to you

Elizabeth look at you .You can see a tear roll down her face
Now you get it who really care about you and who don't Hanry don't give two shits about you .

Freddy got the medical kit and give it to Ballora since she was the mom of all of you

,,Foxy can you pick her up so that I can get to her leg .Please ? It will be more easier if she don't put presure on it ."

Foxy did as Ballora say to

,,Y/N tell me who is that devil who did that !" You look down at Bon Bon .He didn't have faceal expresion so you can tell from how he speak that he was serios

,,Bon. Let Y/N rest I think she is in a shock right now."Freddy say

,,Ok dear this is gonna hurt .I am sorry if I hurt you."

She put a little bit of alchol on a napkin and she slowli start to rup your leg. You let out a scream of pain

But why didn't you scream when you got the knife in your leg ? Did your mind really don't let you speak or scream when you want ?

You look over at Foxy. You can't see his face .You wonder if Foxy was the only one who didn't care .Wen you look back at your leg it was all ready bandaged and done

,,Can you get her to get bedroom Foxy ?"Baby ask as she try to stop Elizabet from crying

Why was Elizabeth crying ?

,,I think I can get myself there .But Eli why you cry?"

,,Y/N look at you. You are hurt "

,,Eli I am dead .What if some one kill me? Will that make me double dead ?" You gigle but no on laught it was silence

,,Y/N go rest .Foxy pleas get Y/N to bed"Bon Bon say

,,Sure-" You look at Foxy his voice sound broken like he lose something he love

Foxy got in the room and put you in bed .You got confortable and look over at Foxy who want to leave

,,Foxy...Why are you leaving ?"

,,You want me to be here ?Sorry.."Foxy walk over to the bed and sit at the end of the bed

,,Why are you saying sorry ?"

,,Becose I was thinking you want space .And I don't want you to see me like this " Some tears roll down his face and whit that you know that what Hanry told you were all lies

You got over to Foxy and hug him

,,It's ok"You say as you rand your hands in his hair

,,No is not! You kill your self so that you can give us bodys. Then you went in hospital .Now this ! At all those moments I was thinking I am gonna lose you forever...."

You look over at him and kiss his check

,,You are not gonna lose me."

You look over at Foxy you two were face to face .He kiss you on the lips and as he try to pull out you got your tongue in his mouth .It didn't take to much for him go the in .So like that he just forget that he was crying two seconds ago .He was liking the taste of you you two keep that for a good 9 minutes .You pull away as a string of saliva was in betwen you two

,,That is new of you I like it !" He say whit a grin

,,Wow ! I didn't know that will work !"

,,Work whit what darling~~?"

,,You sound like Hanry now."

,,Like who? Hanry!"

,,Let's just forget I say that .Can you bring me a glass of water ?"


Foxy walk out the room .But at the door were two red hair girls .You simile

,,You two why are you looking at me from the door?"

,,We want to give you space."

Really ? This start to annoy you

,,You two come here if you want ."

The two ran to you.

Why this make you feel like an older sister

,,So Y/N we need to get back to the pizzeria but only us whit out Hanry but if he want he will come.Becose Elizabet found something in William diary "

,,Oh really what is it ?"

,,So we all know the scoping room .Well at less me an the others. So William say that in the scoping room is the dead body of my mom...."Elizabet look down then back at you ,,So if we found the body and then William we can tell the police and then he will be in jail!"

,,Great idea .But what is the scoping room ?"

,,Funny name right ? Is called like that becose you dumy there is the scoper."Baby say looking at you

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