A new place (chapter 14)

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*In the morning it was 7 am*
You make yourself a cofe (If you don't like cofe then a tea)

,,Dear what is that?"Ballora ask

,,This?"You point at your mug and she noded,,This is cofe/tea it keep me awake "

,,May I have a sip?"

,,Sure "You give her the mug

,,I like it "

,,Then you can have it"

,,Thank you "

You fell that some one lift you up it was foxy .(Here you go a picture of you and Foxy post)

(Here you go a picture of you and Foxy post)

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,,What is it fox "you say as you gigle

,,I want your atention "He say

You hear your phone ringing

,,Lora can you tell me who is calling?"

,,Is someone named Y.F"

You roll your eyes and say in an angry tone

,,Give me the phone. And fox can you put me down ?"

,,Sure"he say as he put you down

,,What is it Y.F " you say as you put them on speaker

,,Y/N my best frind .My ex kick me out of my apartment can I Pleas live whit you?"

,,No you can't "

,,What?! I let you live whit me!"

,,Only becose you need mony.Now don't ever call my agian "You say as you end the call and bloke they'r number

,,Who it was ?"Freddy ask

,,My ex best frind "

,,She sounded like a teribile persone"baby say

,,Well she is .Ever since we were children "

,,How can you be frinds whit her this whole time?"Foxy say

,,I didn't have a chose my and they'r parents were frind and-"

Agian a number call you it was Y.F ex bf

,,Is her agian ?"Foxy look at the phone angrily

,,No is her ex bf " you say

,,Hello Y/N"


,,I kick Y.F out of the apartment "

,,I heard.She told me"

,,Anyway .I know you look for a new place so you wan it?"

,,Yes! Please "

,,Be there and i will give you the key .See ya "


,,Why are you so happy Y/N "Baby ask

,,We get a new place to live " you say

,,Really.Were?" Freddy ask

,,At Y.F old place her ex kick her out "

,,Then we should start to pack our stuf right?"

,,Yes Lora .Let's start to pack"

*In the car .You alredy pack and move to the car and pay for the hotelroom *

,,How long is this gona take ?"Baby ask

,,3 hours " You say

,,So dear can I ask more about you?"

,,Sure as long as you put short questions so that I can be focuse at the road "

,,Why you want to know more about Y/N"freddy ask

,,Well she is our frind an we barely know her age "

,,I am 18 by the way" ( If your not just pretend becose why not 🌹)

,,See"Ballora say

,,Y/N ,you have siblings ?"Baby ask

,,Yes/No "( depends on you this time)

,,You have a boyfrend before me ?" Foxy ask

,,Yes but it was more like a joke for both of us "

,,What do you mean by joke ?I don't get it"Bon Bon say

,,We both want just to see how it was to be in relationship "

,,And how it work?"Foxy ask

,,Not that good .It only last 2 weeks "

,,Are we there yet?"

,,Sorry but no"

,,Wen are you gonna to marry Foxy?"Bon Bon ask

,,That don't depends on me it depends on my boyfrind "You gigle

,,Foxy wen is this gona to happen ?" Baby ask

,,Uhh- I don't know .I barly date Y/N for two days "He say as he turn red

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