Fight(Chapter 17)

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,,What is it fo-"you cut yourself wen you see William at your door

,,Hello Y/N .Sorry to come here not invitetet.But I need you at the pizzeria next week no questions "

,,So what your name young man?"William look at foxy.And Foxy look at you

,,Fred! "You say

,,So Fred?"

,,Yes ,Fred "Foxy say

,,You look a lot like one of my animatronics. Fun time foxy if you heard of him "

,,No .I haven't "

,,See you at the pizzeria .Bye William "you say as you kick William out and locked the door

,,How did he know were you live ?"

,,I don't know and don't want to know .Now let's get back to the movie"

Foxy pick you up and went to the living room .

,,Foxy ?" You ask

He stop at the door

,,Yes.Is something wrong ?"

,,No .But why do you do this ?"

,,It make me happy .Wen your around me "

,,I will be around you even wen you don't cary me "

,,You don't like it ?" Foxy look at you sadly

,,No ,I like it just let's get back "

,,Sure beutiful "He wink at you

Wen you two enter the living room .You saw Baby asleep, Freddy and Bon Bon takling and Ballora was at the window .Foxy put you down and you went to Ballora

,,Hey Lora is something wrong ?"

,,Huh. Oh Y/N is just you .No every think is ok .I don't know how to say this to you"

,,Is something bad?"

,,No don't think of that .Nobady care about us like your care. You barly know us at that time and you give your live to give us bodys "

,,Is nothing much "

,,Oh I remember. Who was at the door ?"

,,It was William "a voice say from your back .You look and was nobody else the Foxy

,,Y/N dear what time is it ?"

,,5:04 pm .Why are you asking ?"

,,Just to know "


,,Yes Baby?"

,,Can we put another movie ?"

,,Sure .What movie ?"

,,How about a romantic movie?"

,,Sure. But wen you wake up?"

,,Just now "

,,Lora want to join us ?"You ask

,,Sure "

You chose a random romantic movie.This time Baby sit in Ballora's arms on the sofa the only one that stand on the flore was Freddy so you diceded to stay whit him

,,So Y/N can I ask something ?"Bon Bon say

,,Sure Bon say "

,,What is a love triangle?"

,,That's wen 3 people are in a relationship .Ofcorse some times all of them have atraction one for eachother or 2 of them need to share the other persone "

,,So that means if another men like you and you like him to but like Foxy at the same time all of you 3 will be in a love triangle?"

,,Yea something like that "

,,Y/N come here now ." You look up at the one that say that and it was Foxy


,,Becose I say so. Please?"

,,What's wrong whit you Foxy ?" Freddy ask

,,I just want my girlfriend to stay whit me not whit you and your pet "

,,For that Y/N you stay whit me and Freddy "


,,Please shut up .Baby is trying to sleep "

,,Lora if you and Baby are tired you can go to your rooms and sleep there"

,,Thank you dear " she say as she got Baby and lave the living room

,,Were was I? Oh yea .What is whit you today Foxy?"Freddy ask

,,I allready say that to you fat bear "

,,You 3 get on my nervs .I will go to my room .Wen you 3 stop whit the fight call for me"you say as you get out of the living room

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