Hospital bed (chapter 25)

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You broke the kiss and saw Ron takeing a pic of you and Foxy

,,You really take a pic ?"You ask

,,Sure I did "

,,Can you send it to me ?"

,,Yea. Y/N ?"

,,Yes ?"

,,I still don't know your frinds name "

,,No need .Remember that you didn't know my name for 5 weeks ? I think we should go "

,,Ok bye "

You and the others change and went to the car

,,What happen Y/N?"Freddy ask

,,I don't want Ron to know about you guys .It don't feel right "

,,So are we going home ?"


You were cut by a car that went right in to yours .In the next second all you see it was black and feel like your ears are gonna to explode and the silence then a voice speaking

,,Sure Sir you can stay this night at the hospital "

,,Thank you "

You can't guest who voice it was but it was a masculin voice but ,,Hospital ?"what happen you try to open your eyes but wen you did you only see a light and every think eles was blurry .In two minutes your vision started to get clear you look to your right and saw Foxy right next to you

,,Y/N ?" He say as a tear roll down his face ,,Your alright "In the next second you and Foxy hug

,,What happen?"

,,You got in to a car accident-"

,,Please tell me you and the other are alright "

,,Yes we are all good a litle bit in a sock but alright. But now please put yourself on the first place "

,,I am alright no need to panic"

,,You are in hospital right now "

,,So were are the other ?"

,,At the apartment .I told Ron to get me to the hospital "

,,How much I stay in the hospital ?"

,,Two weeks .I was thinking that I lost you "He say as tears rush down his face

,,Foxy ,love I am good now.Whait what happen to William I was supost to the at the pizzeria last week "

,,He found out about the accident and text it you "

You look for your phone

,,Here "Foxy give you the phone

,,So wen can I leave ?"

,,I don't know i will go get a nurse "

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