The first night (chapter 5)

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,,ok guys I got all my things"you say

,,Y/N you sure that you want to sleep whit foxy ? You can stay whit me
and freddy "Bon Bon say

,,Y-YEA I-I-I WIL-L-L B-BE F-F-UN"Freddy say

,,What's wrong if she sleep whit me? Is not like your better you keep Bon Bon wake all night whit your dirty talks "Foxy say

,,H-How d-do y-y-you know-w ?"Freddy say

,,Lolbit ,forget that they can hear us at any time of the day?"

,,Who is Lolbit ?"You ask

,,He look like fun time foxy but they are orange and purple " Ballora say

,,yep I know them ,they were the first one animatronic i meet "

,,Come on Y/N let's get you to sleep "Foxy say in a calm ton

,,Let's go "

,,She have a hamster brain "Bon Bon

,,Ha I can only whis "You say as you fallow foxy

You went in to the foxy auditorium whit foxy

,,Is all we got hope you can get confortable"

,,Sure, i can sleep anywere.I should go get change " you say

,,You can go up to the bathrooms in the pizzeria and there are showers there too "

,,Thank you Foxy your really nice why the others say you aren't "

,,Sometimes i can get angry and start fight whit them "Foxy say

,,Oh well in my opinion your swett "

You say as you look at foxy and his eyes turn pink

You got to the elevator

,,Y/N wen you get back we need to talk " is was Baby

,,Ok Baby "

*after you change and have a shower*

,,I am back what you guys want to talk about ?" You say

,,Y/N how are you gonna give us bodys ?" Baby ask

,,Idk now but I will found a way "

,,Ok , please don't try to get away whit lies we don't want to hurt you "

,,Why you guys want to hurt me ? "

,,It don't matter. And foxy ask wen you come back he will wach you sleep all night "


,,Is his thing he say it relaxing to wacht people sleep or when they are dead "

,,Uhh- I just gonna go bye baby "

,,Bye Y/N"

,,Hello foxy " you say as you got from the vent

,,Hi Y/N "Foxy say

,,I will go to sleep godnight "

,,Godnight Y/N"

,,Y/N wakeup"


,,Good your awake "

,,Foxy why do you wake me up ?"

,,First i was thinking your dead. Second Baby want to talk whit you "

,,Oh ok "You say as you stand up

,,Your much beutiful wen your awake You know that ?" Foxy say as his eyes here glowing pink

,,You wach me as i sleep?"
,,Baby told you ?"

,,Yep "


,,Shut up fox and get Y/N here "Baby voice say

You and Foxy got in to Ballora galeri

,,We found a way for us to get new bodys"Ballora say

,,How ?"

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