They need you (chapter 4)

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You get to the elevator and a voice start to talk but your atention was on your phone as you scroll on tik tok

,,Pleas introduce your name "

Your try to tipe your name on the glichy screan

,,I see what you are trying to tipe and i corrected it. Thank you for selecting Exotic Butters "

,,What that wasan't even close .Whatever "

Wen you arive you saw a vent

,,Well that's new "

You don't really want to get in to the vent but you need the money

Wen you arive at the end of the vent the voice say

,,Let's give Ballora a control shock tap the red buton to get things started "

You did as it say. And the Ballora galeri begin to start lighint whit shoks

,,Oh no poor thing .I am so sorry " you say

,,God job .Now let's see if fun time foxy is redy for his show turn on the light tap the blue button "

You tap it and you see only a stage but foxy wasan't on it

,,Were is he ?"You ask

,,Let's give foxy a control shock to get things started "

,,No I did that to poor Ballora .I don't think they deserve this "

You get no respons and you tap it

,,I am so sorry "

,,Turn on the light to see if it work "

You did as it say .And foxy was on his stage

,,Great job .Now foxy is ready for his show "

,,He's beutiful "

,,I don't think that Dear "A voice say
You turn back to see Ballora


,,Yes Dear now say godbye to your live"

The animatronic run to you

,,Ballora don't you dare she may help us "

You turn to see baby standing there

,,Why do you think she will do it .What if is like the rest "Ballora say

,,You don't see how she reactet to the control shocks at lest she have a heart "baby say

,,So Dear are you gonna to help me baby fun time freddy and fun time foxy?"

,,help whit what ? Well i can try to "You say as you were shaking

,,Woanderful .So that you can't escape your gonna stay down here.Ballora go get fun time freddy and Bon Bon "

,,Ok"Ballora say as she went to the vent that go to the Ballora galeri

,,Hello foxy !"
Baby say as you look up the foxy animatronic was standing there

,,Hello baby. Hello Y/N let me help you" Foxy say as he offer you his hand
You take his hand as he help you stand up

,,Foxy ?Why are so nice whit her?"

,,Shut up you ugly ass clown I am nice to evreyone!"

,,H-H-Hello " you see that it was fun time freddy

,,Hey"you say back

,,Y/N is gonna help us to find new bodies "Baby say whit a happy ton

,,Bodys? why you guys need bodys?"

,,And why do such a beutiful like you need to put stupid questions?"Foxy say as you blush

,,F-Foxy y-y-our nic-e-e to s-s-some one ?w-why?"freddy ask

,, I am nice to every one you fat ass bear "

,,Don't talk to my frind freddy like that "Bon Bon say

,,You shut up just look he can't even talk normal"foxy say

,,Is not his foult just his voice box "Ballora intrerupt

,,Well i can try and fix it. If your ok freddy "You say as you look at the bear

,,Can you really do that to freddy ? "Bon Bon ask

,,I can try " you say

,,T-t-thank y-you Y-Y/N" freddy say

,,So baby can i sleep here ?"

,,You need to sleep here "Baby say

,,Can i just get my things and some food ?"

,,You don't need food we have up there in the pizzeria and I am sure you will come back right?"baby say

,,Yes i will .I really need somewere to sleep "
,,Dear you can sleep in my galeri or the breakers rome or whit this foxy whit angry problems " Ballora say


,,I can stay whit foxy" you intrerup them

,,Really ?" Freddy ,Ballora ,Baby and Bon Ban say at the same time

,,Yes it can't be that bad"you say

,,WHY do you all in shock ofc she chose me becose I am the best one of us "Foxy say

,,Let's let Y/N get her things "Ballora say

The other noded . As walk to the vent

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