The end ?(chapter 48)

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You smile and kiss Foxy

,,Of course. Now let's get you all in your places in the pizzeria before Michel come here ."

Foxy blush and hug you before walking in the pizzeria

The others run to you

,,O MY GOD Y/N YESS . YOU DON'T KNOW FOR HOW LONG HE WANT TO MARRY YOU !" Baby scream as she hug you

Bon Bon smirck at you

,,I am so happy for you two my dear"Ballora say as she took your hand in hers

You look over at Freddy he seen to be sad .You remember that he was likeing you too .Maybe you and Freddy would get along
Elizabeth let you see her agian

,,We should get inside ." Elizabet say after huging you

They all went inside expect Freddy

,,Y/N .I am sorry for doing this but I feel the same what Foxy feel for you and I know you know about it .And I am happy for you to so you know and I know you won't change a thing about our friendship but .This may be the last time ."

You look at Freddy not expecting that .But he kiss you .He pull away and went in the pizzeria

,,Freddy...." You say but he was gone now

You wait for Michel

A purple car parck right next to your car .And Michel step out of the car

,,Y/N you are here .So I look at the blue print of the spring lock and It has a button on the back of the neck pres it and it will turn off .Now darling let's get inside should we ?"

Michel open the door for you .
You two went in one of the party rooms were all of the animatronics were in .You smile at them .You think that William was in the darck corner

,,So you know these 5 ?"He point to the animatronics

,,Yes you forget I was working here ? So who is your favorite ?"

,,Bon Bon " He say looking at you ,,Your ?"

,,Fun time foxy and Fun time freddy. "You look back at them .

,,So should we get to the scoping room ?"

,,Yes. I think I saw something in here"you say looking at two eyes in the darck .Then William ran to Michel

,,HA ! YOU DUMME WOMAN ! I am William you actualy belive that this thing is me ? Sure we look a like now-" Before he can say something you press the button on his neck and wach as he fall on the ground

You look over at Michel

,,Thank you.For telling me the true ."

,,I should thank you becose if you didn't tell me you will be dead. I hope we will get to know eachother better in the future " He walk out the door and get in to his car

,,Y/N! We did it ! Well you did it ! "Bon Bon say

,,Now Eli will rest " Baby say turing in her human form and walk over to you

,,Now. That he is gone my dear you can get this place!" Ballora say huging you

You never see them as Happy as they were now .You smile as Baby hug you

,,So what have I ask you before this .Is still a yes ?"

,,Still a yes Fox "

You smile and went over to Freddy

,,You guys can go down and get confortable. I will be there in a moment!"

,,Oh then bye?"Freddy say walking away

But you pull him by his hand

,,Wait Fred what you say before isn't true my felings maybe change .But for now on I think we will look great together just like friends but you don't know what the future will bring "

Freddy blush and hug you

,,Thanks Y/N"He pull back from the hug and kiss you ,,Sorry if it make you uncomfy"

,,No problem. I will go get some cleaning stuf .Tell the others that I will be gone for some time."

,,You won't leave us will you ?"

,,No .But if I don't come back to you guys then something happen to me "

You walk over to your car and go to a shop .It was raining you didn't see much .Just a light out of no were

Then all you can see is black and hear screams

¿ The end ?

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