Trust him (Chapter 43)

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It was 5 am in the morning. Only you and Hanry were up so you went to see him .Wen  you try to get up Foxy was  resting  his head on your bres you just move him  away thinking of what Hanry told you. You went to the living room .

,,Good moring my dear~~"

,,Morning Hanry. Did you sleep well ?"

,,I didn't sleep .I was thinking about William and were he could be "

,,And ? Did you find something ?"

,,I heard that the old pizzeria .Were you all found me will be destroi and since he was my co-worker he must be there ."

,,Great! What day?"

,,The next two weeks my dear~~"

,,And Hanry all night I was thinking about what you told me "

,,And?Do you finaly see?"

,,Yes. But they been staying whit me since......" You took out your phone to look at ,,A hole year.....How can the time past so fast ?!'

,,They maybe  stay a year whit you and all but be careful and I think you should brake out whit that fox what was his name agian ? Oh yea  Fun time foxy "

You look at Hanry who just get up from the sofa and walk over to you

,,Everything and everyone has a secret so my dear be careful."

,,NO!" someone scream from the door then you hear it run  .It was a feminin voice

,,Who was that !?" Hanry walk over to the door

,,Maybe Ballora or Baby or Elizabet...."

,,I think that slut get name was Ballora right ?"

,,Uhh yea " You start to think what if Hanry asa the bad guy and not the rest .But he had a lot of points and the others maybe look inocent but Fun Time Foxy was about to kill William

,,What is on your mind my dear~~~"

,,Nothing. Just it will bother you if I sleep here ?"

You didn't want  to see Foxy.At less for some days

,,Is your home not my"

,,Thanks.I will take a shower ."

You walk back to your room to get some chlose. And you find Elizabet talking whit Foxy

,,Morning love!"Foxy say he walk over to you and hug you

You can see on his face that he was happy .But why ?

,,You never wake up that early is something wrong."

,,No" you push him away and get your chlose .What a good actor he was

Foxy look at you his ears were down and he look like he just lose a love one .You just ignor him  and get to the bathroom

Fun time foxy POV

Is Y/N mad at me ? Did I do something wrong ?.What maybe she just want some space I should get this out of my head

,,What is wrong whit Y/N ,today?"

,,Eli let just let her alone maybe she want some space "I say looking at the red hair girl that was one the bed

,,Why whould some one want to be alone? Wen we were at the pizzeria it was boring ."

,,I know but let's not talk whit Y/N today let's just let her to be alone ."

,,Ok.... But maybe you should give her a letter you know like in one of my storys a prince give the princes a letter ."She just got off the bed and got a pen and a paper and give them to me

I just think for a second .And then

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