Really Bon Bon? (chapter 31)

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*At your apartment *

,,Y/N I found something "

,,What is it Baby " you say

,,Here look"She say as she pass you William's diary

,,My coworker Henry Emily didn't accept my opinion of me geting back in the bisnis whit him so I will take my revenge by giving him a shock .
A shock?"You say

,,The next page " Ballora say

,,Ok .I got my revange I kill his daughter Charlotte .The revange is really swett "

,,Gosh. William is sick"Freddy say

,,I know "you say

,,He made us to kill what do you espect from him ?"Foxy say as he got his hands around your waist

,,Foxy "Freddy say as he point to his blody hands

,,Sorry darling "He say

,,It's ok .Now let's just bandage that.Come I thing the medical kit is still in our room "

,,Don't brake the bed this night "Bon Bon say laughing

Foxy smirck at you and wink as he enter the room

,,Wait what?"You say

,,Nothing "Bon Bon say whit a grin


,,Is this ok ?"You ask as you bandage Foxy

,,It's alright "

,,I will go change .But was Bon Bon takling about "

,,Just forget " he say smiling

,,Really Fox?"

,,You really didn't hear ?"

,,I hear what he say but i don't get it-.Never mind I get it now"

You walk out of the bathroom. As you walk in the hall way someone call you

,,Y/N come here "The voice went from the living room

,,Yea what is it?"You ask

,,Want to wach a movie ?"Freddy ask

,,Sure "

Foxy was already on the sofa you went to stay next to him

,,So you guys chose a movie ?"

,,Not yet. How about 365 days ?"Bon Bon grin

,,Really what's wrong whit you today Bon?"You ask

,,Nothing I want to see something romantic "

,,And do you think that's ok? I saw that movie whit Freddy wen Baby was asleep "Ballora say

,,I lose my inocents "Freddy say

,,Is not like you were inocent "Foxy say

,,But you are. Foxy?"Freddy ask

,,No .If you see what I think of "

,,And if what you think become really poor Y/N will be pregnant "Bon Bon say looking at you and Foxy


,,That's true "Foxy cut you off

,,Shut up you two some of us don't want to know it"Baby say

,,You shut up shorty "Foxy say

,,In my animatroni form I am the tallest of you all"

,,And the heaviest "Bon Bon laught

Baby turn red and wen to Ballora

,,Really Bon that's rude"you say

,,It's not "

,,Ok .Go walk to Freddy wen some one make fun of you wait you don't have legs.Now everyone shut up and let's pick a random movie "you say

Foxy looks at you dreamly as Baby laught at Bon Bon

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