Poor Foxy(chaper 18)

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You look on your phone.Until you heard a knock at the door of your and Foxy's room

,,Can I come in ?"

,,It's your room too " you say

You see how Foxy enter the room whit some scars

,,What happen ?!"You say as Foxy seat next to you on the bed

,,Me and Freddy started a fight "

,,Oh my poor baby come on let me see if you need something"you say as you get closer to him .He put his  hands on  your waist

,,So ? Is that bad?"

,,I need to clean this scar on your face whit some alcohol .It's gonna to hurt a litle .Whait here "

,,Sure darling "

You went to the bathrum and got the medical kit .And went back to your room .There was foxy on the bed and Freddy was right next to him he was having like Foxy scars but at him they were looking much worse

,,Freddy wen you come in here ?"you ask

,,Right after you left "

,,After I am done whit Foxy your the next one."

You got on the bed right in the middle of them

,,Come Foxy "You say as he come closer to you and you start to put alcohol on your hand and start to rube then on his scars

,,Oww!That hurts "Foxy say in a dramatic way

,,I told you.That should be  enought .Now your turn Freddy come here at you i need some bandages "

Freddy got closer to you ,and you start whit the alcohol

,,So how this thing started ?"

,,Foxy is just agresiv" Freddy say

,,You too Freddy look what have you done whit me "Foxy say in defence

,,Your done Freddy "

,,Finaly now go away "Foxy say

And Freddy walk out of the room and close the door

,,What between you and Freddy " you ask Foxy

,,Nothing he is like my lil bro " he say as he get confortable

,,Nothing he is like my lil bro " he say as he get confortable

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,,You were a litle mean to him"

,,Are you trying to tell me something .You don't like my attitude ?"

,,I don't like it I love it ,you make me fell bad now"

,,Will this help ?"

He kiss you like he didn't see you in years .He pull away to let you breathe

,,What was that for-"

He pull you in another kiss .You didn't hate it in fact it turn you on.Wen you two hear the door open you pull away it was Bon Bon

,,Hey Y/N can you come .Freddy want to talk whit you alone "

,,Why?" you ask

,,I don't know he just tell me to get you there "

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