Nice(chapter 46)

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Strange Baby never call you like that

,,Oh ok .But I mean what does the scoupar do?"

Baby and Elizabeth look at each others then back at you

,,Sorry ladys but may I can come in please?"Foxy say staying in front of the door

Was that Foxy ? He doesn't talk like that

,,You may enter."You say dramatic

,,Thanks"Foxy say giving you the glass of water

,,So we told Y/N our idea."Baby say looking at Foxy

,,So what do you think  sugar ?"

,,I am good whit it so the next day I will go to see William ."

,,But don't call him William you remember what Hanry say? Call him Micheal "Ballora say entering the room whit Fun time freddy

,,Sorry for walking in but we feel-"

,,They know Freddy "Bon Bon say jumping on the bed right next to you,,Do you feel better Y/N?"

You look down at the little blue pupet and smile ,,Yes"

,,You told Y/N what you can do ?!"Baby ask Bon Bon whit a smile

,,Oh I forget about that. Y/N want to see?"Ballora ask

You just nod and wach as Bon Bon trun in to a glowing orb .You think to your self maybe he try a new animal or something but you were so wrong .

You look as Bon Bon then turn in to a boy around Elizabet age he had blue hair pink eyes a little bit taller then Elizabet. He was wering  his red bowtie a swett-shirt  and shorts  his eras and tail were showing

,,I am cute aren't I ?"Bon Bon say looking at your shock face. You think he was adorabel so you hug him

,,You aren't cute Bon you are adorabel"

,,Thanks N/N wait! I found you a new nickname !  I am a ginues "

,,Yea big brain "Baby look at him her smile just desaper

,,So any way. We should get ready for the next day becose you all come whit me !"You say  looking at the others

,,Y/N since now I can get a human form can  I stay  like this whit Eli?"

,,Sure !"

,,Let's just get everyone  to our  rooms and sleep "Ballora say

(The next day at the pizzeria were you found Hanry. Becose I am lazy and Hanry give you a photo of William so you know who it was )

,,Come on Bon,Eli"

The others turn in to spiders and went in your bag

,,Ok mom!"Bon Bon say anoy

,,You want to get whit the others in my bag or want to be like this?"

,,Sorry "

,,See  it wasn't that bad .I think I see him "

You pick Elizabeth up as you got Bon Bon  by hand

,,Hello!"You say walking over to "Michel"

,,Oh hello miss do I know you?"

You look at him confuse .He can't play dumme whit you can he ?

,,Uhh  I am Y/N you are my boss . You try to kill me !"

,,I am sorry but that must be my dad I never try to kill someone well I try wen I burn this place down I hope that my dad die here "

,,Don't try to play dumme whit me Hanry told me everything!"You say looking at the young men .May be he is not the real William maybe he say the true

,,Hanry Emily? He never spoke to some one after dad kill his daughter. I am sorry but if you want I can show you were my dad was before I burn this place .I know I look a lot like him but I am not  him."

,,What are you talking about? I found Hanry here ."

,,Hanry? How he was looking like?"

,,Uhh a green spring lock suit burn you can see stil home human flash."

,,What?! That is not Hanry that is my dad .How did he hurt you or something?"

You look in shock at the young man .You let a killer in your home

,,No .But I let him stay in my home and he told me to kill you since you are Afton  whit a fake name !"

,,I am not well I am an Afton and Michel is my name.My dad must lie to you poor thing what is your name?"


,,So my dad lie to you and want me dead ?"

,,Yes.But I got his  diary and it say that he put his dead wife body in the pizzeria. We wanted to get back to the pizzeria and tell the police but now I gues we can burn him agian ?"

,,That's a good idea .Here is my number call me so we can get the plan.And maybe go out some time if you want "He give you  a card whit his number

You blush and take the card

,,Uhh Y/N "Michel point at your arm

You look down a pink spider was on it  .Really Foxy? You say to yourself

,,Oh it's ok he is freindly.I hope"  you wisper the last part

,,So see yea! And the ones are your kids or syster and brother ?"

,,Oh these two ?"You point at Elizabet and Bon ,,They are my cousins "

,,Oh ok bye!" Michel say kissing your hand and walking to his car

You got in the car

,,N/N  I think some one has a crush on you~~"Elizabeth and Bon  say at the same time

,,How dare he ?!If he know about me I bet he  won't do that "Foxy say walking out of your back and get in the from seat in his human form (He turn in his human for wen he got in the seat to be clear)

You just gigle and pat his head.

,,Wen we get back home can you  do it agian ?" Foxy wisper  to you

,,Sure Foxy "

*back home *

,,So before we enter we pretend like he is Hanry .Ok?"

They all nod it and went to theyr rooms but Elizabet went to play whit Bon Bon.

Foxy trow his self in bed as you change

,,Y/N LOVE WHY DO YOU CHAMGE HERE AND NOT IN THE BATHROOM!" Foxy scream as he cover his red face

You think it was adorabel
After you change. You went in bed and hug Foxy

,,You can open your eyes now love"

After some time you fall asleep and wonder what will happen after you get rid of William

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