Hanry(chapter 42)

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The others started to play hide and sick while you and Foxy just talk under a tree

,,So sugar what are we gonna do-"

,,Hey!Guys I found something " The voice cut Foxy

You two walk over to the one that scream to come and it was Freddy the others were allready there

,,What is it Fred?" You ask


The others fallow him .He then stop at a burn construction. It look really familiar for you

,,Wow. This place must been here fore some time "Baby say

,,I wonder what is it inside "

,,If you want we can look Lora .Is not like there is something that want to kill us there "You say as you walk over to the burn doors

The others fallow you inside .Wen you enter you saw some posters sure they were burn but you can still read something

,,Y/N I think I found something. Help me a little "Bon Bon say

It was a room that was  bloke by a table .You push it away and look inside there wasan't much you think that was all burn .You just walk away


You stop at the door and look at the one that say it .It was a green rabit suit all burn and you can see some human flesh and the smell of it .How you didn't see it .That think walk over to you .You just stay there in shock and Bon Bon was at your leg

,,Hanry Emily .Nice to meet you" The  green animatronic say as he took his hand out for you to shake

You shake his and ,,Y/N..."

,,Y/N  dear did you find something?"

,,Something no. But some one"

The others walk there and look at Hanry

,,Y/N nice name. U had heard of you from my ex-coworker William Afton .I think my dear you know him "

,,Of course I know him. He wanted to kill me "You say still  looking at Hanry

,,I know he try the same at me .As you can see darling he did it "Hanry say as he point at him

Foxy walk over to you and hug you from your back

,,You say your name was Hanry .Right?"


,,William kill your daughter too ?'

,,Daughter ? Oh yea he did that."

,, Do you think he is still alive ?"

,,Yea .He is but he try to lie and tell everyone his  name is Michael "

,,Like his son?"

,,Yea .May I ask you dear if I can stay at your place maybe we can find Afton and kill him so that no one can be hurt any more "

,,Uhh- I have to talk whit the rest. What do you think guys ?"You say turning to them .They all give a strage look and agre

,,Perfect dear can you stay a little bit? The others go away "

,,Sure Hanry "

The others look at you as Hanry pointed at the door for them to leave.After some time they leave so in the room  were you and Hanry

,,So my dear .You frinds are strange "

,,I guess they are "

,,They are the animatronics from Williams pizzeria Circus Baby Pizza World. Right?"

,,Yea......How do you know that?"

,,They look like them and act like they never been out side "


,,Not to make you think I have something whit them .But you ever think of them like you think of William ?"

,,No .They are my frinds the told me that they never gonna do something whit me."

,,But they kill you just to give them bodys and maybe since they learn from what they see maybe they be like him."

,,I never think of that Hanry"

,,Well think about it .Some times the good guy is just the vilan. And I don't think you should trust them at the first point they are made to kill "

,,Yea.....But Elizabeth can't be like them right?"

,,We don't know maybe in the time that she was lock whit them .They brain wash her  so lisen my dear don't trust them only the ones that help "Hanry say as he kiss your hand

,,Maybe we should go home .Come Hanry "

*In the car*

It was silence the hole time .William  stay in the front sit whit you Foxy stay in your lap as his fox form .Baby, Ballora, Freddy ,Bon Bon  and Elizabet were in the back
You think to your self  what if the animatronics are really how Hanry descri them .What if they try to kill you as William try .What if Foxy don't love you like you love him and he just lie to get you to trust him. No  Foxy won't do that or he do it.
Wen you arive to the apartment Hanry stay in the living room so that mean that Freddy and Bon Bon share a room whit the girls.
As you got in bed Elizabet was all ready asleep you think more about Fun time foxy who only try to get your trust

,,Sugar?"Foxy say as he enter the room

You ignor Foxy  pretendenting to be asleep

,,Y/N ? Darling you never go to sleep at this hour is only 7 pm ."Foxy walk over to the bed and get confortable

(A/N :Sorry this toke so long and the chapter in so short but I don't get any new ideas .So from now on I will try to post once a week not every day per week so that the chapters can be much longer and the story will have much destails from now one and I will try to keep the dialog short and to the point)

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