Gone (chapter 40)

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,,So can you all trun your self in something small?"

,,Like a bug or a hamster?"Baby ask

,,Yea so I can take you guys in my bag.Foxy you can be something biger like a cat or something so that I can take you in my hands "

,,Like this?"He say as he turn in to a glowing orb and then in a white and pink cat

,,Yea .Now come here"you say as you pick him up


,,Yea Eli?"

,,Can I go too?"

,,Uhh- Sure I guess I can carry you too"

,,Yay!"She say as he run to you

,,Are you all ready ?"

They noded .You pick up the back Elizabet pick up Foxy and you pick up her

*In the car *

,,So Y/N what is this about?"Elizabeth ask

,,You dad went mising-"You say as you look down to see that Foxy was siting in your lap

,,How can a big human went mising?"Elizabeth ask

,,I don't know Eli "You say as you parck your car in the pizzeria parcking spot

,,Oh come on .I was geting confortabel "Foxy say as you give him to Eli and pick her up as your bag

You went in to the pizzeria the cops are all ready there as Ron and other two employs

,,Hello miss Y/N.Right?"A cop say as you enter one of the party rooms that they were in

,,Yea sir "

,,I all ready ask all the employs .But were is the man that was whit you wen I first meet you?"

Shit.You say to your self

,,Mom?"You look at Elizabet she wink at you and you got the hint

,,He can't come .But I got my daughter"

The cops look over at Elizabet .She smile at them

,,Hello"She say

,,Hello little one so were was your momy last weekend?"

,,All day she was at home whit me and dad "Elizabet say looking at the cop

,,Ok.So miss you didn't leave the home all day?"

,,No .I stay whit my boyfrind and daughter all day then"

,,So you didn't marry that guy?"

,,No not yet "You look over at Foxy and he look at you

,,So little one can you walk over to that table I need to talk whit your mom "The cop say to Eli

,,Ok.Here mommy take Foxy"She say as she give you Foxy

,,So the kid is father less?"


,,Miss no need to lie .The kid isn't looking like you or that men so is adopted or something?"

You think to your self if you lie and try to get to the heart of the cop you may get out of this

,,I don't like to talk about it"You say as a fake tear roll down your face

,,I am so sorry .I didn't know what is your full name so that you and the kid can go back home ?"

,,L/Y/N "You say looking at them

,,Please tell me that you aren't the daughter of Y/D/N "

,,Yes I am he is my father .Is something wrong?"

,,I am sorry he got in jail after he kill poor Y/M/N "

You just look at the cop

,,Plase tell me this is a joke "

,,I am sorry .But is not he will be in jail for the next 60 years "

,,Eli!Come here we get back home"You hold your tears .How can your dad do that he was one of the swetest men in the world and why your mom she was really quaiet and calm

In the car Baby and the rest got out of your bag and turn in to they human forms .Foxy was siting in the front seats whit you ,andEli in his lap

,,Y/N love are you ok?" Foxy as

,,Yea "

,,Don't lie to us Y/N you eyes are red like you .Let it out tell us "Baby say

,,He kill her. How can he do that ?!"You let your tears roll down your chek as Foxy put his hand on your back

,,Let all out you will feel better "Fredy say

(For the ulgycriers don't worry I am part of you all too. But in this story you are Y/N not yourself .And Y/N isn't an ulgycrier )

*Went back to the apartament and went you your room just to cry your heart out in bed*

You hear a knock at the door and look up

,,Can I come in?"

,,Sure "You say as you put your head under a pillow

,,If you don't want to talk about it sugar we are not gonna talk .But wen I see you like this it brake my heart .Can you look at me plase ?"

You got your head from under the pillow to see Foxy

,,What is it?"

,,Come here."He say as he hug you

,,She is dead and he is gone in jail"

,,Shh they aren't here anymore but I am and the others worry about you "


You look over to see Baby ,Elizabet and Bon Bon at the door

,,Is something wrong ?"You ask them

They just jump in the bed whit you and hug you


At the door were now Freddy and Ballora

,,Y/N can you please be yourself agian?"Bon Bon ask

,,Why are you guys like this?"

,,Y/N dear we love you .Some of us more then others "She say as he look at Foxy ,,And we hate to see you like this "

,,Sure some times you are annoying but we love you."Bon Bon say

,,Y/N look at your self now you are a mother of three kids that aren't yours"Freddy gigle

,,You feel better ?"Baby ask

,,Yea.Thanks guys you should get back your rooms and rest "You say

After some time they give up and leave your room


,,Yea Eli ?"

,,Can you and Foxy come here ?I am scare to sleep alone "


You and Foxy got in bed Eli was betwen you two

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