nicknames(chapter 9)

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,,I love what you got Baby "

,,Aw thank you Y/N"

,,Y/N you sure you love only baby outfit ?" Bon Bon say whit a grin on his pupet face

,,What do you mean"

,,Like you don't love anyone?"

,,I love you guys like your my siblings"

,,Including foxy ?"

,,Bon Bon-

,,Shut up foxy .So you like foxy like a brother?"

,,No , I think of foxy not like a brother " you smirk


Foxy put his hands on his face .You see that he blush

,,You'r cute wen you blush you know that?"


,,Wen will be the weding?" Freddy ask

,,I don't know freddy "you say

,,What is happening to you foxy ? Your much reder then my heair "

,,Baby you don't get it foxy is now in sock that someone like him "

,,Let's just change the subject .How about we play something?" Freddy ask

,,How about true or dare?" You say

,,I love that idea dear"ballora say

,,Ok let's start "

,,Can I be first?"Freddy say

,,Sure Fred "you say

,,That's not my name why do you call me Fred?"

,,It could be your new nickname "

,,Can we all have nick names?"baby ask

,,Sure Ballora how about Lora ?"

,,I like it " she say whit a smile

,,Freddy Fred and Bon Bon i just call you bon or bunny i don't know "

,,I like both Y/N you can call me pupet if you want"

,,Baby just baby or you want something new?"

,,I am god whit baby but can you call me besti ?" She say whit a smile

,,Sure besti "

Baby came to you and hug you

,,And foxy can i call you fox ?"

,,Sure i don't see a problem"

,,Call him hun or sweatthear "Bon Bon say



,,Stop !"

They all look at you

,,Bon you can't just tell me to call fox hun or sweatthear maby he don't like it and Fox can you stop starting a fight from everything " you say

,,I just see you two cute together " Bon Bon say

,,And i can't promis you that " Foxy say

,,Bon is not ok to push two people to be in a relationship. And foxy is ok "

You look at the clock is was 11 pm

,,We can't play anymore true or dare is to late .But we can play is the morning "

,,Thank you two now we can't play "Baby and Freddy say at the same time

You wach as Ballora take Baby to the bed and put her in like the was Ballora's kid .It was cute

,,Night Y/N "

,,Night Fred"

,,Fox come here "

,,Why do i need to sleep whit you ?"Foxy say

,,You don't like it "

,,No is not like that. Just forget "he say as he got in the bed whit you .He hug you and rest his head on yours

,,Foxy what are you doing ?"You ask as you blush

,,Sorry I didn't now you don't like it " he say as he try to pull away but you stop him

,,I don't like it i love it, now pleas stay"

You look up at him and he was red and his tail move like a as a dog wen he was happy

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