Date part 1(chapter 35)

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,,Hey Fred want to wach a movie or something ?"

,,Sure .Should I call the rest ?"

,,Foxy and Bon Bon talk and I can't find Baby and Ballora "

,,So just us two?"Freddy say as he blush

,,Yea something wrong ?"

,,No ,not at all"

,,Great "

,,Y/N you say we are gonna talk about you know "

,,About what?"you say as you trun to Freddy

,,You know me ,you and Foxy. Remember?"

,,A yea .So your not gonna destroi anything but why is this bodering you ?"

,,I don't know .But I fell like wen you and Foxy start to date he become more cold to us"

,,What do you mean by that?"

,,He spend most of the time whit you .Wen you were in hospital he stat to ask us somethings "

,,What type of thing?"You say as you star to worry

,,He thing that you are gonna leave him and us or that you want to brake up"

,,Why he think of that ?"

,,I don't know he is like this a little bit crazy. "

,,What are you two taking about ?"

Is was Bon Bon at the door

,,Nothing Bon .Want to wach a movie ?" you ask

,,No but thanks for asking "

,,Is something wrong ?"Freddy ask

,,Yea but at the same time no Y/N can you please get out."

,,Sure Bon ."

You say as you walk out of the living room

,,Y/N ! Get  your ass here !"

The scream was from the girls room

,,What is it ?"You say as you enter the room

,,Look "Baby say as he point at Foxy

He was wearing a black/pink suit

He was wearing a black/pink suit

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^ pic for reference

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^ pic for reference .I didn't know wich one to pick so you guys can pick one (the pink one is just becose allready was pink in his animatronic form)

,,What do you think dear "Ballora say

You just look at Foxy and ask your self why the girls to this

,,Honey is not polite to stare at "he say as he walk over to you and kiss your hand

,,Oh yea Y/N you two should walk around the town "

,,Ok....You two and Freddy want to come ?"

Baby drag you're hand

,,Foxy wait at the door "Ballora say

,,Sure "He say as he walk off the room

,,Y/N you and Foxy need to go the bridge of lovers and put this "Baby say as she give you a heart-shaped padlock on it was written your name and Foxy's

,,Girls what are you two trying to do "

,,We want to see you two happy. I plan this for one week "Ballora say

,,So go one .Your love is waiting !"Baby say as she kick you out of the room

,,Your ready sugar?"Foxy say

,,Yea come on"You say as you take his hand

,,Sugar what's that?"Foxy point to the heart-shaped padlock

,,Your gonna find out .Now come one"

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