Yes or No ?(chpater 47 )

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5 am .You all went in the car and got to the pizzeria were everything started

,,So my dear wen it's William comeing ?"

,,He will be here in a minute .Let's just get out of the car and wait for him "They all got out of the car .Foxy walk over to you he had a rose in his hand

,,Y/N .I know this is not the best moment but. You make my life beter for just existing you save us from this place and let us live whit you for a year and in this year wen we been together and did what we did ."

You look at him .He isn't gonna do what you think he will do right ?

,,Y/N if William is gonna kill us if he found our plan whit Michel I want to ask you this .Will you be my forever until the death will separate us and whit that being say will you marry me?"

You look at him .He just smile and Baby and the others look at you two .Exept "Hanry" who got in the pizzeria

(HEY GUYS! Please tell me should Y/N say yes or no let me know!)

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