True or dare (chaper 10)

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,,Foxy wake her up and stop stering at her is crepy "

,,No it isn't "

,,Bon Bon is right it is "it was freddy

,,Why do i need to wake her up ?"

,,Becose why not ?"

,,Y/N wake up"

,,What is it ?" You ask

,,We want to play true or dare! "you asume it was freddy

,,Oh ok you guys can start i will go order something for us what do you want ?"

,,How about pizza agian ? "Baby say

,,Nahh want chines food?"

,,What is that ?"

,,You all will see .Now you all start the game ok? "

,,I will be first .Can i be?"

,,Sure Besti"

,,I love wen you call me like that.Ok Ballora true or dare?"

,, I will pick dare "

,,Ok slap foxy as hard as you can "
Baby say whit a grin on her face


,,u kill the first night gouard "

,,And the next one and the next after him"Freddy say

,,Well i didn't kill Y/N"

,,Becose you like her "

,,Ballora don't say that what is she hear that ?"

,,Ok guys i am done whit the order what have i mise?"

you look at them they stay in a circle .You sat next to foxy

,,Not much Ballora needs to- "Baby was intrerupted by Ballora who slap foxy

,,She need to do that "Freddy say as he try to cover his smile

,,Aww THAT HURT" foxy say as he try to cover whit his hand his face

,,Let me see that" you pull foxy's hand ,,Is not that bad "

,,Look at them " bon bon say

,,Is my turn now .Dear true or dare?" It was Ballora

,,True ?"

,,Do you have a hoby or something you like ?"

,,I like to read " (please tell me if you want to change Y/M hoby becose that were they first date will be depends on the hoby)

,,Oh that's cool "

,,Ok fred true or dare?"

,,Dare "He say

,,Ok i dare you to say one of your frinds secret but not tell theyr name"

,,I am sorry but it's a dare ok one of them love you"

,,Now i am curios "

,,Now is my turn "Freddy say

,,Bon Bon ture or dare?"

,,True i don't trust you whit dare "

,,Oh... Is ture that you brocke my voice box wen i was reper?"


,,Is ok my frind "

,,Ok my turn Foxy true or dare ?"Bon bon say whit a grin

,,Dare i am not scare of nothing "

,,Ok come here and i will whipser your dare "

,,Ok "

You all wach them and you see how foxy turn red

,,I don't do that "

,,Foxy is a dare "Ballora say

,,Uhh fine "

Foxy wen to you and plant a kiss on your cheek .You both blush and went red

,,Aww look at you two " Freddy say

,,Bon Bon what have i told you .Whait Fred? "You say

,,My turn Y/N "Foxy say

,,Dare "

,,I dare you to- "


,,Bon Bon don't get in they'r live like that life is not ok"freddy say

,,i dare you to go at the library and take us "Foxy say

(Now can you coment is i need to change y/n hoby if you want foxy and y/n first date to be somewere else .And sorry i forget about the food let's just say that you and the athors eat it )

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