Fun time foxy leter (chapter 44)

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Wen you got back in the living room.Hanry was gone maybe he just go in the kitchen. You notice something wrong a letter was on the sofa

It was pink whit a heart on it .You open it up and read it .It went something like this

My dear Y/N ♡

From this morning I notice that you act a little bit strange .Not want to make you mad.

If I did something I am sorry and if you just want space you can tell me.I don't want to annoy you to much so if I did something wrong that I don't know I am sorry agian .

Fun time foxy

Gosh he really care .No !No! Y/N what if he want to kill you don't be such a dume one .But what if he really love you and the others are inocent. And just Hanry is a liar

You think of an idea a test maybe if they found you hurt .You can see then if they were loyal

You walk to the kitchen. Hanry wasn't there you got a knife and walk out the apartment before you leave you make an escuse for leaving

,,I will go buy some milk becose we are out of !"

Gosh now you sound like your dad

You got in your car drive a little bit over to the pizzeria so if one of your friends look from the window they will think you all ready gone not stabing yourself

You got out of the car look around so that no one was looking and got the knife and just push it in you left leg .You just simile and gigle you didn't care about the pain or the blood you then pull the knife out and got back in the car laughing like a crazy

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