Who is at your door(chaper 16)

182 1 16

You enter in your new apartment and baby was the second one

,,Wow .How many rooms are here?"Baby ask

,,Two bedrooms one bathroom one kichen and one living room "

,,Me and Ballora take one of bedrooms! "Baby say

,,Me and Freddy will sleep in the living room and you and Foxy will sleep together "Bon Bon say as he look at you and Foxy

Foxy smirck at you then kiss you on the forehead as you gigle

,,Y/N ?"

,,What is it Lora ?"

,,Can i ask why my tumy hurts ?"

,,Your tumy hurts .Come whit me " you say as you ofer her your hand

You went to your bag and get some pads .You and Ballora went to the bathrum

,,Ok Ballora take your skirt of and your underwear "

She did like you say

,,Y/N dear why I am bleding?!I am going to die ?!"Ballora say

,,This is something normal is call period. Here this is call a tampon put this on your underwear "

,,This only happen once right ?" She ask as she look at you

,,I am sorry but it's something that happen once a month "

,,Oh..... That sucks "

,,I know "

,,I am done "

Wen you and Ballora were out of the bathroom .The other give you some strange looks exept Bon Bon and Foxy

,,Periond?"Bon Bon ask

,,How do you know about this stuf ?" you ask

,,Not only me ,Foxy know "

,,But how do you two know about this stuf ?"

,,We just know "Bon Bon say

,,Y/N we move our things to our roomes "Baby say as she run to Ballora and hug her

,,Ok that good .Guys you want to wach a movie?"

,,Sure what tipe of movie?" Ballora say

,,Your gona like it is my favorite "

You all went to the living room Baby stay on the sofa whit you and Foxy ,Ballora ,Freddy and Bon Bon stay on the flore

(Reference on how you and Foxy stay )

You got on Netflix and play your favorite movie

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You got on Netflix and play your favorite movie

,,I don't get it "Baby say

You explain the movie to Baby

,,Still don't get it "

,,Shut up Baby I want to still wach
the movie "

You here a knock at the door

,,Who is it ?"

,,I don't know Lora "

,,I will go see "Foxy say

,,Y/N.... Come here" you hear Foxy

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