Back to the pizzeria (chapter 30)

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The next day at 10:40 you all were in the car

,,Y/N ?"

,,Yes Baby?"

,,Elizabeth say that you need to go in William's ofice"

,,Ok.Were is it ?"

,,We don't know maybe Bon Bon"Ballora say

,,Why me ?"

,,Becose you were allways in the vents maybe you see something "

,,It was the door next to the stage .That say employs only "

,,So other employs have been in there ?" You ask

,,Yes but we never see them agian .I only remember screams and William who laughts " Freddy say

,,Don't forget in the midle of the night when his little minion take out the body " Foxy say

,,his little minion?" you ask

,,Yea we never see him.Just his shodow "

,,Ok it's 10:50 pm good we are here .Let's get inside .I will go in to William's ofice you guys destroi de animatronics"

You all wen in to the pizzeria. As you walk to William's ofice Foxy took your and

,,What is it love ?"

,,Be careful "He say as he kiss your check before he let go of your hand

,,I will, now destroi the animatronic hide the pises and you guys turn in the anmatronics and get on the stage "

You went in William's ofice. It was really dark but you can still see. The ofice was really basic a chair ,a table and some monitors on the monitors you see three bedrooms for kids .You look over the papers on the table and saw the animatronics design .
The first one that got your atention was Baby's design she had a scuper
The second one was Freddy you saw that he can hide a kid in him .You didn't want to see what is at Foxy and Ballora .You look back at the monitors on one of them was a black book you look inside and start to read

,,Elizabeth got killd by Circus Baby .I told get not to go around her but she didn't lisen to me .It all my foult .Oh now I feel bad about William" you say

You look at the door just to be sure

,,Michael kill his little brother by puting him in Fredbear's mouth. Michael will stay whit his mom while his brother will be at the hospital.Now i wish my last kid will die .Really William? Maybe Michael feel bad about this " you say while you hear the front door open you get out of William's ofice just to saw him stering at you

,,Y/N what are you doing there ?It that my jurnal ?"

,,Uhh William I can explain "

,,Mr.William I got the bag for the corpse "It was Ron

,,Perfect "William say whit a smile then look back at you

,,Ron?!What are you doing here ?" you say

,,He is one of my workers. One of the most loyal one he told me that you stole my animatronics and now you are in my ofice .Y/N you know what is gonna happen to you "

,,No .And I don't want to know " you say

William pull out a knife and Ron cover his eyes .You stepped back but William toke your hand

,,Don't you dare you little bi***"

You try to pull yourself from his grab but he was to strong you close your eyes .You hear a scream and you shut open your eyes. Just to see Foxy on top of William who was bleding

,,YOU STUPID ANIMATRONIC GET OFF ME "William scream after he pass out

,,Foxy i think you kill him!" You say

Foxy look at you then turn in to his human form and went to you

,,Darling are you ok?"

,,Yea I am fine. Baby I found this is that wath Elizabeth look for ?"

,,Let me see " she get down from the stage and went to you ,,Yes do you find our design papers too?"

,,Yes" you say

,,Y/N what are we gonna do whit him ?"Freddy say as he pointed to Ron

,,I don't know. Ron I put my trust in you how can you do that ?"

,,Y/N I am sorry but he say that he will kill Lily if I don't tell him about the animatronics and you "

,,If you dare to say what happen here to someone i will kill you .And now get out of here I don't want to see you"You say

You look at Ron how he got out , went to his car and drive from there .You look back at your frind and saw that Foxy had his hands cover in blood

,,Foxy your ok?" You ask

,,Yea. I am good just going to wash the blood out of my hands " he say as he went to the bathrum

,,Dear William is still alive ?"Ballora ask

You look over at William who was stiil breathing

,,Yea .So Baby what is Elizabeth trying to tell us?"

,,I don't know she just tell me that you should read William's diary "

,,And how is this gonna help us ?"It was Foxy he was back .But his hands were bleding

,,Wen we get back to the apartment I will bandage your hands"you say

,,Sounds good "He say

,,Let's get back to the apartament and maybe we will found out what is this all about " Freddy say

,,Good idea Freddy let's get back "You say

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