new room mate(Chapet 38)

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,,So Elizabet told you too?"Baby ask from the your room

,,Yea.Wait Baby what are you doing in my room?!"

,,Our room darling "Foxy say puting Elizabeth down

,,Uhh- I took your phone "

,,So that's were it was, for what ?"

,,Me and Ballora just took some pictures "

,,Then that's fine "

Baby walk out of the room

,,Eli is that you?For a second I was thinking that you and Foxy have a kid"Baby laught and went to Elizabeth

,,Me and Foxy- A kid!" You say looking at Baby as your checks warm up

,,Thank for the idea Baby " Foxy say whit a smirck on his face

You trun to Foxy. He just smile and hug you

,,You two are back so how was the date ?"Ballora from her room

,,Good .So you guys didn't set the apartament on fire wen we were gone"

,,That's my line "you say

,,Sorry sugar"Foxy say as his ears lean down

,,Your ears can do that? I never see it"

,,Yea is not much but is anoyng some times "


,,Yea Eli?"

,,Can I stay whit you guys for some time ?"

,,Sure but were are you going to sleep ?"

,,Can I stay whit you and Foxy ?Baby and Ballora aren't in a good mod wen they are sleepy Freddy and Bon Bon are annoying .Sorry for the bad word"

,,I am ok whit it.What do you think Fox?"

,,Sure come on Eli "Foxy say as he pick up Elizabeth and went to your bedroom

,,Wait .For me"


,,So Y/N wen is christmas ?"

,,Let me see. "You got your phone and look

Christmas was the next week .You look at your phone in shock how can time go so fast .You fell like it was May just yesterday

,,So ?"

,,The next week "You say looking up at her

,,Yay!"Elizabet say as she walk over to you and hug you

,,Eli can you go stay Baby and Ballora for a little ."


,,I was thinking that you and Baby are best frinds "

,,We are .Bye Y/N!"

,,Bye Eli!"

Wen Elizabet walk off the door you trun to look over at Foxy

,,Is something wrong sugar?"

,,Why you say to Eli to go"

He got closer to you and put his hands on your waist and pull even closer

,,I just want my gift "He say smiling at you then he kiss you

(Bon Bon Pov)

I can't belive that Foxy is still whit Y/N

,,So Fred you still love her?"

Freddy look over at you

,,Yea why ?"

,,You know maybe Y/N will love you one day "

,,Yea only my dreams "

,,Really .You know what ?"


,,You give up to easy .I will go play whit Elizabeth "

,,Have fun then "Freddy say as he walk over to the window

You walk out the living room and go over to Y/N room .You hate wen you lie to Freddy but you want to do something nice to him .Wen you enter the room you see fun time foxy and Y/N make out

,,Bro!Really?!"You say looking at them

They stop and look over at you

,,Really Foxy? You only think about yourself and only yourself !" You say looking at Foxy

,,Bon Bon is something wrong ?"

,,Yea Y/N there is if you know you will be whit Freddy and not whit this jerk"

,,Now you are the jerk pupet you do this for Freddy .I have been stuck being the star of the show this many years and none of you all give a sh■t about me or how I fell .You think your right all the time but you're not .Now that you see me happy you are gonna take this from me ?"Foxy say as a tear roll down his face

,,Foxy I- I"you try to say something but nothing come in your mind

,,You !You leave plase "Foxy say as he point to the door

You look over at Y/N but she just stare at you then at Foxy

You walk out the room and wen to the living room

,,What have I done?"You ask your self

You meet up whit Elizabet

,,Hello Bon Bon .What are you doing ?"

,,Fine.You?"You lie

,,I was going to sleep.Bye" she say as she hug you and went to Y/N bed room and knock

(Fun time foxy Pov)

,,Love try to calm down"Y/N say as she pat your back

,,Sugar I- I am f-fine"you lie to Y/N

,,No your not "She say as she hug you

,,Thanks....."You look over at her. She just give you a simle

You two hear a knock at the door .You pull away from the hug and open the door It was Elizabet

,,Can I come to sleep ?"

You gigle

,,Sure come on in"You say as you close the door after she enter

,,Y/N !Can you pick me up?"

,,Sure .Come here "

You just wach as Y/N pick up Elizabeth and you think to your self how it will be to have kids whit Y/N

Some time have past Elizabeth was allready asleep in Y/N arms .You two were the only ones that were still awake

,,Hey love are you better ?"

,,I feel stupid wen you are the one that ask me "You say as you went red

,,That isn't a respons to my question"

,,Yea I am fine sugar "

,,Sorry for asking but Bon Bon did such things before ?"

,,Yea a lot of times. Even wen Freddy try to tell him that what he is doing is wrong Bon will still do it "

,,I know how it feels .So what he did?"

,,He fake some papers just so that Freddy was gonna to be at my shows and I will be just down there at the pizzeria. He did much worse "

,,I don't want to know "

You got closer to Y/N ,Elizabeth was in betwen you two
After some hours you just fall asleep

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