Chapter 1

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(A/N : This has nothing to do with the real idols! This is all just from my imagination and all I own in this story is the storyline and the made-up characters. Everything else goes to their rightful owners! And sorry if there are any typos! I tried to check as much as I could but I probably didn't catch all of them. Please let me know what you think of it so far!! And don't forget to vote and suggest this story to your friends.)

It was a day just like any other. I sat in my bedroom listening to music and doing my algebra homework, desperately trying to figure it out. I've never been very strong in math, but I've always tried really hard, and that satisfies me. However, my parents aren't the biggest fans of it. They wish I'd do better, but they know the extent of my abilities, so they just accept it the way it is.

As I finish my last math problems, I see that the clock reads "1:26 AM." Realizing how late it is, I decide to skip showering at night and just washing my face. If I have time, I'll sneak a shower into my morning routine.

After cleaning off my face with my face cleaner and apply toner, I go straight to bed to get as much sleep as I possibly can get. I fall asleep so quickly that I don't even remember my head hitting the pillow.

When I wake up, all I hear is the clanging of pots and pans from downstairs. I stand up and walk towards my bedroom door and open it slightly. As I expected, they're arguing about being quicker in the morning so that my dad isn't late to work. My parents don't argue a lot, but it's also not unusual to hear arguments from them in the morning about my dad being late to work.

Ignoring it as much as I can, I go to the bathroom and wash my face off before I go down for breakfast. After my face is washed, I look at the time and see that I woke up 15 minutes late, so I don't have time for breakfast. I just decide to go ahead and get dressed in my uniform. I wear a normal white button-down shirt with a blue tie and a blue dress jacket. I also wear a blue skirt matching the blue jacket and white socks with some black dress shoes. I put on perfume and my 2 sets of earrings and I get my bag to go before I miss the bus.

"Hana! You're going to miss the bus! Hurry up!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

"Coming mom!" I say and exit my bedroom and close the door. I run down the stairs and yell, "Bye mom, bye dad!" and go out the door.

I see the bus arrive at the bus stop, but I am three houses down, so I run. I barely make it on the bus. Luckily the bus driver saw me and stopped.

For some unknown reason, the air feels different on the bus today. I look around and nothing seems to be any different. The same people I usually see are sitting there and listening to music or talking amongst their friends. I try to shake it off and just listen to my own music on the bus. My ride is pretty short though since I'm on the last stop of the route.

The bus stops at a new stop to pick up this kid with a hoodie on. He doesn't look familiar to me but I don't know everyone who goes to my school, so I don't think anything of it. The bus continues driving until we reach the school and the doors open.

I get off the bus as soon as I can and walk inside the school to meet up with my friends. I go to my classroom after grabbing my books out of my locker and see my friends, Ari and Sunoo, sitting in their seats. I go take my seat next to them and greet them.

"Hey Hana! You're a little late today. Is everything alright?" Sunoo asks me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just woke up a little late, that's all," I respond. Sunoo nods and they go back to their conversation.

"So, Hana, we heard there's a new student coming to our school from Japan. Apparently he's a troublemaker so they transferred him to Seoul," Ari says in a very dramatic tone.

"Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge him. He may not be as bad as the rumors say he is," I say. I can feel them both look up at me in disbelief. I know why too. Normally, I go along with the rumors, but I'm kind of tired of all the drama in my life.

"What makes you say that, Hana?" Ari asks curiously.

"I guess I'm just having a change of heart. It gets tiring keeping up with all the drama, you know..." I explain.

"I get where you're coming from... but it's still more fun to follow the rumors at first," Sunoo says and chuckles.

Just then, our teacher, Mr. Kang, walks into the classroom. Everyone takes their seats and gets ready for today's lesson.

"Class, may I have your attention? We have a new student in our class," Mr. Kang says and everyone looks to him. Then, we see a boy walk into the room. He's quite tall, definitely taller than most people I know. He has a black hoodie on and I realize he looks somewhat familiar. "This is Ni-ki. He is from Japan, so please be kind as he doesn't know much about South Korea. He is also not very good at speaking Korean. Is anyone in here able to speak Japanese by any chance?" Mr. Kang asks.

I can speak Japanese because my dad is Japanese and my mom is Korean. My name was also passed down from my grandma in Japan. I didn't want to tell Mr. Kang that though. I feel like he would make me work with Ni-ki and I don't particularly like talking to people I don't know.

"Mr. Kang! We do have another student who can speak Japanese! Hana is half Japanese, so she speaks both languages!" Sunoo shouts. He looks back at me and smiles. I give him a sarcastic smile back and he giggles.

"Oh, really? That's great! Hana, would you mind helping Ni-ki with his schoolwork for a while? Until he is better at speaking Korean?" Mr. Kang asks me. I wish I didn't have to listen to him, but unfortunately, I do.

"Sure, Mr. Kang. I don't mind," I respond.

"Great! Ni-ki, you can sit in the empty desk next to Hana over there. She'll help you if you need anything," Mr. Kang tells Ni-ki. Ni-ki nods and walks over to the desk and sits down. Sunoo looks back at me and laughs knowing very well that I wasn't planning on telling Mr. Kang about my ability to speak Japanese. I shoot him a look saying, "Just wait, I'll get you back."

"So to start today's lesson..."

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