Chapter 6 : The Movie Night

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I wake up to my alarm beeping in my ear. It scares me and I jump up, realizing that my head was half off my bed, ending up right next to the clock.

After having what felt like a mini heart attack, I look at my phone and then go downstairs to eat breakfast.

My mom usually makes eggs and toast in the morning since it's one of the easiest meals to make due to it's quick cooking time. I will sometimes catch Jay in the morning for breakfast, but a lot of the time, he's already gone by the time I get up.

After I eat breakfast, I do my normal morning routine. Wash my face, get dressed, and today, I even packed a lunch of the leftover dinner from last night.

"Bye Mom, bye Dad!" I yell as I go out the door.

I hear my dad yell, "Bye! Have a good day at school, Hana!" And I close the door and start walking to the bus stop. Since I didn't wake up late today, I can have a calmer walk to the bus stop and I don't have to worry about missing the bus.

I wait for a few minutes for the bus to arrive and get on calmly. I sit in the same seat as usual and listen to music.

The bus stops at the same stop as yesterday and when the guy walks on the bus, I realize that it was Ni-ki who I saw yesterday morning. He doesn't have his hoodie on this morning, so it's easier to tell who he is.

He sees me and asks, "Can I sit here?" I nod and he sits next to me.

We don't talk at all, we both just listen to music and look out the window. It's nice to have company that will just basically do nothing with you.

When the school bus arrives, we walk separately to our lockers and then decide to meet up in Mr. Kang's class.

I got here before Ni-ki, so as soon as I sit down, Ari and Sunoo turn around and just look at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, very confused.

"So, what happened yesterday after we left?" Ari asks.

"Nothing. We just went home," I answer.

"They live in the same direction and I don't live that way, so they walked home. Together. Something had to have happened! Don't be afraid to tell us," Sunoo says.

"I would tell you what happened but I can't." Their eyes get big for a moment when I say that.

"Why?" They ask, scooting closer to my desk by the second.

"I can't tell you because nothing happened."

Sunoo rolls his eyes and pouts. "I was expecting something good..."

"Sorry that my life is too boring for you guys. I don't live in a K-Drama. You know that, right?" I say.

"Yeah, we know. But if something does happen, we wanna be the first ones to know!" Ari says and smiles.

"I will definitely tell you if something happens. Promise," I say.

They pinky promise me and Sunoo says, "Life would be so much better if we all did live in a K-Drama..." He sips his hot chocolate that he probably picked up this morning on his way too school and turns back around to face the front of the classroom.

Ni-ki comes in at that moment and sits in his desk next to me. He spends a few minutes getting his homework out and everything ready for class. Mr. Kang comes in and writes what is probably today's lesson on the board and when the bell rings, class starts.

The class didn't feel long today. We had time to do almost all of our homework in that class, so I may be able to rest this afternoon, which is always nice to know.

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