Chapter 20 : Ni-ki's POV

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(A/N : I'm sorry if this chapter seems a bit annoying and repetitive to anyone. I just wanted to show you how Ni-ki sees everything that happened and to let you see Ni-ki's feelings towards Hana since you've only seen Hana's feelings so far! It is also going to be quite a long chapter. If it gets too annoying, you can skip it and go onto the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Remember to vote and comment if you do! ♡♡♡ )

Ni-ki's POV :

After school, I walk Hana home and then go home myself. Hana is going out with Sunoo, so I go home and decide to get a head start on my homework since I have so much left from math class today.

I play music on my stereo and get about half of the problems done before I hear a knock at my bedroom door. I turn the music off and open the the door, revealing Hana.

"Hana!! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Sunoo?" I ask her.

"He had to go home early. So I thought I would stop by your house before going home," She tells me and I grab her hand and pull her into my bedroom.

"I'll show you around my room since you're here," I say. "There's nothing super special, but it's my comfort place."

She smiles as we walk around and I show her where I keep all my video game and I suggest that we could play them together one day. Then I show her my comic collection and she seemed really interested in it. She looked through the comics and actually read about a few of them. She's welcome to take any of them home if she wishes to. Lastly, I show her the school work I'm doing.

"I'll put my homework up for now, so we can spend time together. Here, sit," I move my bag out of the way to allow Hana to sit next to me.

"So what do you want to do, since you're here?" I ask her and smile, playing with her hand.

"Just sit here with you. We can... maybe watch a movie?" She says.

"Sure, let me get the remote and we'll find something," I let go of her hand and grab the remote off of the top of my dresser and go sit back down.

I don't know what kind of movies she likes because we've never watched any movies together, so I just scroll through until I find something that looks interesting.

A horror movie catches my eye and I ask to watch it.

"Ni-ki, can we watch something else? I really don't like scary movies," she says and I feel her lean closer to me.

"It'll be okay, Hana. I'm here," I smile at her to cheer her up.

"But... can we watch it another day? I really just feel like watching something happy," she says. I hope nothing happened with Sunoo earlier. I would ask her, but I don't want her to think I'm being annoying asking her that so I just stay quiet and agree to watch another movie with her.

My mom comes in and brings us some snacks and invites Hana to stay for dinner, but she says she has to go home in 45 minutes.

I feel Hana's head hit my shoulder and I turn to her. Her eyes are closed and she lays on my shoulder for a few seconds before she opens her eyes again.

I smile at how cute she looks sleeping but turn my head away immediately when she wakes up so she doesn't catch me looking at her.

"I should probably be getting home now," she says 30 minutes later and stands up.

"Okay." I turn the movie off. I walk her down the stairs and insist that I walk her home. She says I don't have to, but in the end she gives in.

After I kiss Hana goodbye on her porch, she says bye and turns to go inside, but I want to tell her something before she leaves.

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