Chapter 9 : The Announcement

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It's so unusual for nobody to be visible from the hallway, so it makes me a little nervous. I walk farther into the house and look around. I don't see anyone on the couch either. I thought maybe they're in the kitchen, but when I turn the corner, I see my mom, dad, and Jay sitting at the dining room table in silence. They all look at me when I walk in the room.

"Uh, is everything okay?" I ask and look at them, concerned.

"Hana, you should probably sit down. We have something to share with you," my mom says and I walk forward slowly. When I sit down, I hear my father sigh and look at me.

"Hana, I've known that this was going to happen for quite a while... but I couldn't find a way to tell everyone." My father's words make me more nervous as time goes on.

"So what exactly do you have to tell me?" I ask them.

"Well, I have to go to Japan for a few months for business. And I won't be able to come down for any vacations either," my dad says. I was so surprised when I hear this because I have always been with my dad. I honestly don't know what to do if he's not here.

"Wh- you're leaving?" I yell.

"Yes. I have to get on the plane tomorrow morning. I know I'm telling you really late, but I couldn't think of how to tell the whole family. Especially since you've been going out lately. I wanted to tell you guys last week, but you went out almost every day. Are you meeting up with someone?" He asks. Jay looks up from his phone and stares at me.

"No, why would you think that?" I ask. "I've just been studying, that's all. I'm making sure I keep my grades up." I feel like my dad will believe me, but Jay I'm not so sure about.

"Jay, make sure she doesn't get into any trouble while I'm gone," my dad tells Jay.

"Uh..." Jay looks at me. "Actually, Dad, I have something to announce, too." Jay turns his phone off and puts it in his pocket.

"What is it?" My mom and dad both ask.

"I actually will be leaving in a month also. I applied to a college in America and I got in, so I'll be leaving to go there in a month and a half," Jay tries to tell them lightly so they don't get upset.

"What? Really? That's amazing, Jay!" My mom says and gets up to hug him.

"Yeah, I've studied really hard for it and I have a good bit of money saved up so I can afford an apartment there," Jay says. My dad is still sitting there, shocked at what Jay told him a minute ago.

"Are you not happy for him, honey? He's worked so hard since middle school for this," my mom says.

"No, I am. I just can't believe it. That's an amazing opportunity and I'm sad that I can't be here to send you off on the plane," my dad tells Jay. He also gets up to hug him.

That's when it hits me that I'm the odd one out in the family. My mom went to college and was a nurse for a while. She quit her job when she had me so it would be easier to take care of Jay and I. She never got her job back, but she still goes sometimes if there is an emergency and they don't have anyone else. My dad is a lawyer and has lots of cases he works on. He's always wanted to do an overseas case, and now he is. That's great for him, but not me. And Jay... Jay is so smart. He graduated high school with one of the highest ranks in his class. Now he's going to a college overseas in America! And I'm not doing any of that. I have absolutely no idea what I want to do when I'm older, and I don't plan on becoming what my parents or Jay are. I just want to live my life how I want to live it and have fun, but my family makes that very hard when they're constantly pushing me to follow in their steps. I'll never be like them. No matter how hard I try. And that makes them disappointed in me, which is what hurts the most.

I get up from the table and run out the front door. I have to get out of there before I start crying. It began to get stuffy in the dining room and it was harder to breathe. I walk down the street in the dim light from the setting sun and just breathe. Since the sun isn't shining down directly, it's gotten colder and I don't have a jacket since I left so fast.

I reach the park and sit on one of the swings. I just sit there and think about what just happened.

So Jay told me that he's leaving for college soon and then my dad says he's leaving to go to Japan for work tomorrow morning?? Why did he wait so long to tell us this?

I don't even know how long I sat there for. I really didn't want to go home and face my parents, but I guess I have to.

On my way home, I hear someone call my name.

"Hana? What are you doing out so late?" The voice comes from behind me, so I turn around.

"Ni-ki?" I ask as I look at him standing by his porch with a trash bag in his hand. "Um, I just needed some fresh air." My voice shakes as I'm talking.

Ni-ki walks down the pathway to his mailbox and drops the trash bag by the garbage can and grabs my wrist.

"Are you okay? Your voice is shaking and you're really cold. What happened that made you come outside without a jacket?" He looks into my eyes with a concerned look on my face. It's the kind of look that I see on Jay's face when I get hurt and he's asking me what's wrong. That is what really makes me believe that he legitimately cares for me, and that allows me open up to him.

"Here, come inside. You're going to get sick," Ni-ki says and puts his arm around me, dragging me inside.

He opens the door to reveal a really nicely decorated, two story house. I smell some kind of stew and there's also a candle lit next to the front door. I hear dishes clashing and people talking in Japanese.

"Take your shoes off and you can use these slippers." Ni-ki hands me a pair of white slippers.

"But I have to go home. My parents don't know where I am and they'll get worried if I'm gone for too long," I say and stop taking my shoes off.

"Just tell them you're at my house, your family knows mine. It'll be okay," Ni-ki tells me.

"I'll text them and tell them I'm at a friend's house. But I have to be back by later tonight. Are you sure your family won't mind?" I ask just to make sure. I don't like to invade other people's homes without their permission. It just feels wrong to do that.

"Yes, my family would love to have you. Plus, it'll give them a chance to get to know you since, you know..." Ni-ki says shyly.

"You have a point," I smile at him.

"Now come on in." Ni-ki slides open the traditional Japanese style door and I see a beautiful living room right behind it.

"Riki! Did you take the trash out?" I hear a woman call.

"Yes, Mom! And I have a friend from school that I want you to meet!" He yells back.

"Oh, okay! I'm coming!" She calls again and I hear her run with her slippers to where we are.

Once she turns the corner, she sees me and smiles.

"Hana! What a nice surprise!" She says.

(A/N : I'm going to end the chapter here and pick up in this spot for the next one since this chapter is getting kind of long. I had lots of extra free time today so here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy this one too! Remember to vote if you enjoyed and have a nice day/night wherever you are in the world! ♡♡♡ )

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