Chapter 12 : The Date

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(A/N : This chapter is really long but I got carried away sooo... yeah. Have fun reading it :) This long chapter is my way of making it up to you for taking forever to update! Remember to vote if you enjoy it!)

Ni-ki holds my hand for most of the way to school, at least until we start seeing other people. He lets go of my hand but stays right next to me.

"So, Jay isn't working in the café today. We can actually go in and sit together this afternoon if you want," I tell Ni-ki, looking up at him.

"That sounds nice, Hana. What time?" He agrees almost immediately.

"Oh, I didn't expect an answer that quickly. How about 30 minutes after school is over?" I suggest. He nods in agreement and we reach the front gate of our school.

We separate as we walk in to the school building and go to our separate lockers like usual.

Ni-ki understands how I feel about hiding our relationship in public because of my family situation, and he respects that. The main reason we have to keep our relationship hidden is because Jay has eyes all over the school and if he finds out about this, he'll make me stay home all the time to keep an eye on me. Once he goes to America, then it won't matter because he won't be here to scold me.

Our first two classes go by normally, and before I realize, its lunchtime.

I go to lunch with Sunoo and Ari and Ni-ki following behind. We sit down at the table and get out our lunchboxes and eat.

"So, Hana, I was thinking we could hang out this afternoon? Since our projects are all done, we can start meeting up again!" Sunoo says with a huge smile on his face. I would've said yes if me and Ni-ki hadn't already made plans to go to the café since Jay isn't working.

"Sorry, Sunoo. I have something to do this afternoon. Can we go tomorrow or sometime else this week?" I ask him. I hope he won't get too upset. Sunoo's sad face is the worst. It makes me feel so bad for saying no to him.

"Oh...that's okay. Tomorrow's fine instead." Sunoo's whole mood seems to be brought down. His smile fades and he diverts his attention completely to his food.

The rest of lunch was kind of awkward between me, Sunoo, and Ni-ki. Then you have Ari and Jungwon who finished their lunch early and are playing a card game on the table.

"Not again! Oh my gosh, I have to beat you at least once before lunch ends!" Ari shouts as she angrily throws down the cards.

Jungwon laughs and says, "Just face it. I'm better than you." Then he laughs again.

"Again," Ari says and sets the cards up to play yet another round. Honestly, I can't even count how many more times she loses. I would've given up a long time ago if I was Ari.

Lunch ends and we all get our books from our lockers and rush to Korean class before the bell rings.

Before I knew it, the day was over. We all pack our bags like usual and head home. I decide I have to ride the bus this afternoon because I need as much time as possible to get ready to go out with Ni-ki.

The tricky part is going to be getting out without Jay questioning me. Maybe I can get away with saying I'm hanging out with Ari and Sunoo again. He'll probably believe that.

I look through my closet for a cute outfit to wear. I end up choosing a thin, gray shirt with a simple pair of blue jeans. Since the shirt is very simple, my purple necklace stands out. I also fix my hair into a fishtail braid. I also put some small silver earrings on. I'm not someone known to dress super over the top all the time. I just have a very casual style.

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