Chapter 26 : The Class Announcement

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I wake up to my mom shaking my shoulder.

"Hana... wake up. It's time for school," she says quietly. I open my eyes and push my covers back.

"I'm awake, Mom. Thank you," I say and she smiles.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks me. I remember exactly what happened yesterday.

Ni-ki saw that picture of me and the guy from the cafe, who he said was named Heeseung, and he completely misunderstood the situation. Then he got really upset, resulting in him... leaving me. Ni-ki left me. That's the one promise he made me, and he broke it. It makes me upset just thinking about it, so I just decide to play it off like I'm fine.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say and stand up.

"Okay. I'll leave you to get ready for school," she says and kisses the top of my head like she used to do when I was younger. That definitely comforts me a lot.

I go into my bathroom and shower quickly before getting dressed in my uniform and fixing my hair. I decide to just brush it, putting a clip on the front right side.

When I get to the bus stop, I stand and wait like normal, but Ni-ki is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he decided to walk today?

I sit in my usual seat and listen to music until we get to school. I then do my usual routine ending when I walk into Mr. Kang's classroom.

Mr. Kang isn't here yet, so I just sit and wait. Ari turns and looks at me. She smiles and waves, moving her chair to me.

"Hey, Hana! You look a little... off today. Do you feel fine?" She puts her hand on my head and says I have no fever.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, not moving an inch.

"Okay, you're clearly not fine. What's the pro-" she stops talking and looks in the direction of the classroom door. I look up also to see Ni-ki walk in. His face is a little red in some areas like his eyes and nose, suggesting the idea that he's been crying. He also has really big under eye bags. He looks like he hasn't slept in years. I've never seen Ni-ki like this. I want to hug him and ask what's wrong, but I... I can't. I'm not allowed to do that anymore after our conversation yesterday.

Ni-ki sits in his desk without even looking in my direction. He lays his head down on his desk, facing the other way.

"What happened yesterday? After you left the cafe?" She interrogates me immediately after seeing Ni-ki's state.


"Stop with the lying. I know something happened. Ni-ki hasn't even looked at you since he came in. Do you know how unusual this is? You may not realize this yourself, but he's always looking at you. And I mean it when I say always," she whispers so he can't hear. "He gets distracted during class sometimes. And the other night at dinner, he did the same. Even during breakfast, he glanced at you from time to time. And all I see when he looks at you is love," she says, ending in a whisper so quiet that I can almost not hear her.

I take a deep breath and turn in her direction.

"Come over this afternoon, I'll tell you then " I say. She agrees and goes back to her desk. Right at that second, Sunoo comes in with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey, Sun!" Ari yells from across the classroom. You would think that the class would look in her direction when she yelled, but they don't. They're probably used to hearing her yell at this point, it happens so often.

"Hi!" Sunoo greets her back and sits down.

"You're super happy this morning . Did something exciting happen?" Ari asks. "Oh, I bet this has to do with Yena, doesn't it?" He looks down and blushes a little bit.

"She's just so nice. And really pretty. She makes me so happy," Sunoo says.

Hearing Sunoo talk about Yena like that makes me a tiny bit jealous because I feel like he may just forget about me. However, it does make me more happy than jealous. It's nice to hear him bright and happy again, especially after how sad he was about two months ago.

Mr. Kang walks in and sets some papers on his desk, attracting the attention of the class. Everyone goes silent and looks up to Mr. Kang.

"Okay, class. I have an announcement and I'm sure you'll all love it!" He says and several "oohs" come from around the room. "So next week, the Math department managed to get some tickets to a resort about three hours from here. So we'll pay for buses and hotels while we're there. However, we do ask that you and your guardians sign these permission slips and being in a little bit of money to help the school pay for everyone's food while we're there. If you have any problem getting the money to turn in, you can just talk to me privately and we'll work something out. So what do you guys think?" He asks and the whole class breaks out in cheers except for Ni-ki and I.

Mr. Kang notices that Ni-ki's expression is unusually sad. He looks at me and calls me out into the hallway while the class is chatting amongst themselves.

Closing the classroom door, he looks at me.

"Is Ni-ki okay? He looks upset today. Normally he's all smiley around you but he isn't like that right now," he asks me.

"Um... I don't know if he's fine or not. We aren't exactly talking at the moment..." I say, hoping to avoid too many questions about it.

"I'm sorry to hear that. If you need help with anything or need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. Okay?" He says. I nod and he opens the door to go back inside.

After I sit back down, he calls Ni-ki out of the room too. I figure he called him out to ask him the same thing as me, but it takes them several minutes longer than I took.

When they come back in, Ni-ki sits down and Mr. Kang shuffles through the papers on his desk to find the permission slips for the trip.

"Here are the permission slips, everyone. These are due back by Friday with the money attached," he says and we all put the papers in our bags as we begin the lesson for today.

(A/N : This chapter is a little short but it is just kind of whatever I could put together today while I was at school. I hope it's still as enjoyable for you as the longer chapters are! I'll try to write some more this weekend :) I hope you all have an amazing day/night!! <333 )

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