Chapter 27 : The Talk

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( Disclaimer : Mention of Sensitive Topics. Read at Your Own Risk! )

When the bell rings to tell us that our math class is over, all the students pack up and leave immediately, including Ni-ki.

"Hey, are you coming Hana?" Sunoo asks me as Ari and him stand by the classroom door.

"You guys go ahead. I'll meet you in class," I say and they nod and leave. I walk up to Mr. Kang's desk and he looks up at me.

"Yes, Hana?" He asks me, taking off his glasses and setting them in front of him.

"Can I talk to you? About something... not school related?" I ask.

"Of course! You're welcome to talk to me any time you need to. Would you like to talk during lunch instead though? So you don't miss your next class?" He suggests.

"Sure. That's fine, Mr. Kang," I agree.

"Okay, I'll see you during lunch then," he says and waves bye to me.

Luckily, I make it to my next class on time. That class goes by pretty quickly since we were busy the whole time.

Finally, lunch has arrived. I tell Sunoo and Ari that I have something to do during lunch so they'll know I won't be there right away. They say, "Okay," and I go.

I knock on Mr. Kang's classroom door and he looks up and comes to open the door for me.

"Hana. Come on in," he says and steps to the side, allowing me to enter. He closes the door again.

"Sit anywhere you'd like," he says and I take a seat in the front of the classroom. He sits in the desk to the right of me.

(A/N : By the way, I wanted to clarify that the desks aren't touching. They're in rows, not connected desks. I wanted to clear that up so nobody would be confused about it. I'll go back to the story now.)

"Um... I wanted to talk to you about a situation that happened this weekend," I say. He nods and waits for me to go on. "So, I went out with my friends to the cafe. And when my friends weren't at the table with me, this guy came up and... flirted with me. And people took pictures of it and everything. Somehow, they got to my boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend now..." I say, not quite sure what to call Ni-ki anymore. I look down at my hands to calm myself down so I don't cry.

"If you don't mine me asking, if this about Ni-ki?" He asks. I nod quickly and continue to focus on not crying. He lets me sit silent for a minute and I hear him stand up. Next thing I feel is a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what's going on..." I say, a tear slipping down my cheek and hitting my hand. "When we talked yesterday, Ni-ki was so... hurt. And he wouldn't listen to me at all. So I don't know if he even trusts me like he said he did. He said so much to me that seems to be not true anymore," I say, more tears slipping out if my eyes. I squeeze them shut, holding the rest of the tears in.

"I've never had this happen to me, but I have dealt with heartbreak before. I don't know how much I can help with, but I am here for anything you need. When I was in high school, I dated this girl and she was the nicest person I ever knew. She eventually became really closed off and would never tell me why. Eventually, I got a call from her family. It was her mom. She told me that Anna... that Anna took her own life that night. It broke me. It was so hard to get better after that. Even when I felt like trash, I kept going and pushed through it all. Eventually, I came to terms with it and it's a lot easier to talk about now. I know your situation isn't like this, but I thought it would benefit you because how Ni-ki is acting is how Anna acted before that happened. I can't bear something horrible like that happening to Ni-ki," he says.

I think for a minute before wiping my tears and looking back at Mr. Kang.

"I know it hurts, but you really should try to talk to him. You never know what could be happening outside of your relationship with him and it would be horrible to lose him to something that you could help him with," Mr. Kang says again and I stand up.

"Thank you, Mr. Kang. I'll try to talk to him," I say and hug him.

"You're welcome, Hana. You're welcome again if you need anything else!" He says and I say bye while leaving the classroom and heading to the bathroom.

I wash my face to make it look like I didn't just cry and then go to the cafeteria to talk to my friends.

Ari is at the table, talking and playing games with Jungwon. Sunoo is also there, but he is talking to Yena. They're so cute together. I hope everything works out for them.

"Hey guys," I say and sit down.

"Hey," they say and continue what they're doing. I don't really mind them focusing on each other instead of me, so I just get on my phone while I wait for lunch to be over.

*time skip*

When school ends for the day, I start heading home by myself. It feels really awkward to walk alone again, but it's okay. I'll make it through somehow.

When I reach my house, I open the door and hear a very unusual sound.

(A/N : Hi everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even though it is way shorter than normal) and remember to vote if you did! Also, what do you think the unusual sound is? I'm curious to see what everyone is thinking about it. I hope everyone have an amazing day/night! I'll hopefully be back with a chapter of Wanted soon also, so stay tuned! Also, I have another random question. What fruit is Ni-ki in the Chamber 5 Dance Practice? I have been trying to figure this out for forever, but nobody that I ask knows. 😭 )

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