Chapter 10 : The Dinner

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"Hana! What a nice surprise!" Ni-ki's mom greets me. "Come on in! Dinner is almost ready!" She says with a huge smile on her face. She shows me around her house and I see Ni-ki's older sister, Konon, on her phone on the couch and his younger sister, Sola, playing with a toy in the living room. Both times I've met his family, his dad hasn't been here. Maybe he's at work in the afternoon.

After she shows me around, we sit at the dining room table and she asks me some questions.

"So, what made you come here, Hana?" She asks. I don't know if I should tell her the truth or not.

"Uh, I just needed a minute to breathe. I kind of had an argument with my parents and I was just walking when I came across Ni-ki taking the trash out," I tell her.

"Oh, do you need to talk about anything? I'm here if you do," she tells me.

"Thank you... uh, Ni-ki's mom, but that's okay. " I'm kind of confused about what to call her.

"You can call me Mrs. Nishimura."

"Nishimura? That's your last name, Ni-ki? You never told me that," I look over at him sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I never tell people my last name. I just go by Ni-ki. Only people who know are my family and the school on my registration papers. "

"Oh, okay," I say. There must be a reason he doesn't go by his last name, but I won't ask any questions since he doesn't seem to be open to sharing it. I also think I heard his mom calling him Riki... maybe that's his first name.

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you want, Hana. Your parents probably won't mind either. Just make sure they know where you are," she tells me. Which reminds me, I never texted my mom.


Hana : I'm staying at a friends house, I'll be back in a few hours.

Mom : ok, but why did you leave?

Hana : I just needed a moment to breathe, that's all. I cant believe what dad just told me. I'm okay though, promise

Mom : I believe you, honey. You're able to take care of yourself now. I'm shocked, too. Please tell me when you're on your way home, I love you ❤

Hana : I love you too mom ❤ and please tell dad I'm sorry and that I'll see him before tomorrow when he leaves

Mom : I will.

•end of texting•

"Sorry, Mrs. Nishimura. I needed to text my mom and tell her I was here," I say.

"That's okay, Hana. Now, are you staying for dinner? I made Miso Soup and Chicken Yakisoba!" She says.

"That sounds really good! I haven't had that in years!" I tell her.

"Let me go check it, it's probably finished by now," Mrs. Nishimura says and walks to the kitchen.

When she leaves, I turn to Ni-ki.

"I didn't know your name was Riki."

"Yeah, I don't like it as much, so most people just call me Ni-ki..." he says.

"I like it. I think it's cute." I smile and it makes him smile too.

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