Chapter 41 : The Surprise

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A few weeks have passed since Jay left to go back to America. I have called Jay as many times as I can, which isn't too much considering our difference in time zones.

School is coming to somewhat of an end. We have been slowing down on the amount of work we're doing and finishing up last minute lessons since Christmas break is coming. Also, my birthday is on Sunday! Everything is going amazing!

Ni-ki tells me that he can't walk me home this Friday afternoon because he has something to do, so I have to walk by myself. When I get home, I change into comfortable clothes and sit on the couch in the living room and watch a show with my mom.

"She's going to take the donor? Why? The other girl clearly needs it more than she does!" My mom yells.

"That's so messed up! Why would the hospital allow them to do that?" I yell along.

"I don't know. It's stupid if you ask me. They shouldn't allow-" my mom is interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Sorry, Mom. I'll be right back," I say and walk outside to the front porch and answer the call.

"Hey, Ni-ki. What's up?" I ask him.

"Uh... nothing much. I was just wondering if you'd like to come over and spend some time with me?" He asks with a pleading tone.

"Let me ask my mom. We were just watching a show together," I tell him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your bonding time with your mom. We can do this another day if you want."

"No, it's okay. Let me go ask," I say, opening the front door and walking in. I keep Ni-ki on the call, but mute him, just so I don't have to hang up and then call him back.

"Hey, everything okay?" My mom asks as I walk back in.

"Yeah, I just had a question. Is it okay if I go to Ni-ki's house for a while?" I ask her.

"Yeah, sure. As long as his mom knows. How long will you be there for?" She asks.

"I'm not sure, he didn't say. He just asked if I wanted to go over," I explain.

"Okay, you can. We can finish this another day," she says and turns our show off. "Have fun, Hana," she says, waving bye to me.

"Bye Mom," I say back. I walk outside and unmute the call. "She said I can come over. I'm on my way now. Bye," I tell him. I go to hang up but I hear him say something else.

"Wait, no! Don't hang up," he says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I... I want to hear your voice," he says. "Just keep talking to me."

"Okay... I'm walking down my road now," I say. "Aww, a puppy!" I yell.

"A puppy? Where?" He asks. "Oh, wait... I'm not there. I don't get to see the puppy..." he says sadly.

"It's okay, Ni-ki. I'll be there soon so you won't have to think about the puppy," I say and he laughs.

"Are you almost here?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be there in about two minutes or so," I say.

"Okay," he responds then I hear him walking.

When his house comes into view, I see a car in the driveway that doesn't look familiar to me. Maybe they have a visitor right now? But why would Ni-ki invite me over when they have a visitor?

As I get closer, I see Ni-ki come out of the front door and he waves at me.

"Oh, you look cute," he says and my face reacts to his comment. Luckily, we aren't close enough for him to see how red my face is.

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