Chapter 7 : The Confession

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(A/N : This is when it starts to get good, so hopefully you enjoy it!! ♡)

I wake up to my alarm again.

I can't believe that the weekend passed by so quickly! It seemed like just yesterday I invited Ari and Sunoo over to watch that movie.

We spent the Saturday after that going to the cafe and talking and we went out to go shopping. Sunoo loves to shop with us. Ari and Sunoo both bought something but I didn't see anything that I particularly wanted to buy, other than a silver necklace with a small, light purple/pink stone in the shape of a heart at the end. It was really cute, but it was quite expensive so I couldn't afford it.

We ended up going home after that because we were all worn out from shopping and the cafe.

On Sunday, I didn't do anything. I just rested and got ready for school on Monday.

Nothing interesting happened that morning, just the normal routine of me going to school.

When I arrive in class, Sunoo tells me about this drama he watched on Sunday and suggests it to me. I may go home and watch it. It does sound pretty interesting. Ni-ki taps on my shoulder and I look over at him.

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to... uh... do you have a pencil?" He asks nervously.

"Yeah, just give me a second," I say and reach in my bag for a pencil. I always carry extras because I never know when someone will ask me for one.

Normally Ni-ki talks to me more than he is today. During math class this morning, I only heard him talk to me the time he asked me for a pencil. And today when we got to History, he didn't say anything until we were told it turn to our partners. I wonder if I did something wrong to upset him.

"Okay, would anyone like to present their projects to the class?" Mr Lee asks. Nobody raises their hand. I mean, nobody would willingly present something. If he really wanted us to present, he would've made it mandatory. I'm not complaining though, I don't want to present.

"Okay, I probably should have known that would happen. Since no one wants to present we'll just start our next lesson," Mr. Lee says and turns to write our new lesson on the board.

That class also passes by with no contact from Ni-ki. I expect he'll be at lunch, so I don't say anything to him.

The lunch bell rings and I pack all my stuff up and get ready for lunch. Ni-ki walks out of the classroom and goes the opposite direction of the cafeteria. Curious, I follow him and we reach the roof of the school.

I've never been up here before. There's a nice covered garden and some benches. Ni-ki is just sitting on one of the benches by the edge of the roof. He's looking down at something in his hand. I figure it's just his phone, but when I get closer, I see a small black box.

"Ni-ki? Are you okay?" As soon as I say his name, he looks up at me and hides the black box in his pocket.

"Uh, yeah. I just needed some fresh air, that's all," he avoids my eyes.

"Why have you not talked to me today? You've been so quiet and I don't like it..." I say and take a few steps forward.

"Uh... I... I wanted to... but I got nervous..." he stutters a bit when he talks. "Can you come sit down here? I have to tell you something."

I walk over there and sit down on the bench next to him.

He takes a deep breath and says something quietly. "Just do it Ni-ki. Just tell her how you feel." He takes another breath and looks at me.

"Uh... I... I like you, Hana," he says. I am taken aback by what I heard. I never expected to hear something like that come out of his mouth. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. I better go." He stands up but I grab his wrist before he can go anywhere.

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